cuddle me

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no warnings :)

word count : 909

currently, mike was over at the byers' place setting up his sleeping bag for the night. ever since will opened up to mike about his nightmares, mike offered to stay and sleep over everyday. mike practically lives over there now, but the byers and wheelers didn't mind. after all, he promised will that they'll go crazy together.

"mike, i just wanted to say thanks for staying with me every night, your company really helps," will suddenly broke the silence.

"oh, you're welcome! and I'm glad. i just want you to feel safe," mike smiled.

suddenly the door knob turned revealing joyce byers popping out from behind the door.
"hey boys! time for bed. do you want me to turn off the lights?"

"sure mommy (MOMMY JSJSJS) good night!" will said sleepily as he climbed into bed. he had a really early bedtime compared to mike, but since he stayed at their house for about 3 weeks already, he got use to it. just as long as will's safe.

"goodnight mrs.byers!" mike climbed into the sleeping bag that he'd set up before she walked in.

"goodnight boys," joyce said before she shut off the lights and closed the bedroom door. and both of them were sound asleep until . . . . . . .

will suddenly shot up from his bed panting. he just had another nightmare. with mike's company he rarely had them anymore, but not tonight. along with the panting his chest started to tighten and his breathing became louder and louder. mike heard the boy and slowly woke up, looking at him. he saw the beads of sweat on will's forehead and suddenly knew what was happening.

"will! will! are you okay?" mike's voice was filled with worry.

will didn't say anything. he didn't need to say anything because he started sobbing his eyes out which caused mike to get out of his sleeping bag and onto will's bed. he put his arm around the skinny boy's shoulder and stroked it with affection. it soothed will and calmed him down a but.

"did you have another nightmare?" mike suddenly broke the silence, despite will's breathing.

"y-yes. it wa-was about you th-this t-t-time," will sobbed, "in my nightm-mare i saw you die . . . to the d-demogorgan. and the-there was nothing i could do to prevent it. i-it ate you a-alive and i saw it all." will finally finished and sobbed into mike's chest. although his tears soaked mike's shirt, mike didn't care.

"shhhh will, it's alright now. i'm still here," mike said in a sweet voice as he kissed the top of the smaller boy's head (causing will to blush hehe). they stayed there for a while with constant reminders from mike to take deep breaths. it worked and once will was breathing normally again, mike continued, "okay, no offense but geez will, are you that obsessed with me," mike chuckled lightly.

"n-no way! why would i be o-obsessed with you?" will stuttered as he turned red trying to deny mike's comment. but it was true. he was obsessed with mike. like how could anyone not be, his eyes were the prettiest shade of brown and his hair was in the most flawless curls that will was always tempted to touch. his chubby cheeks turned into sharp cheekbones and he also got such a defined jawline that was enough to cut someone in half. he's funny and smart and caring, especially to will. everything about him is perfect. how can you not be obsessed?

"haha don't worry will. i was just joking!" mike was suspicious about how he overreacted but chose not to question it. me too, will thought.

"hey i think we should go to sleep now. you need some rest, especially after what happened," mike suddenly spoke.

"ooh okay," will paused and then hesitantly continued, "but u-uh, if it's not too weird, can you uh maybe . . . cuddle me?" both of them flushed red and it was visible, even in the darkness.

"shit, sorry it's a stupid idea," will regretted ever saying anything.

"n-no it's okay will. i-i could cuddle you if you still want me to," it was mike's turn to start stuttering. will softly smiled before starting to get himself under the blanket while mike slowly lifted his legs and did the same thing. as will turned himself to the right, mike came up from behind and wrapped his arms around the fragile boy. it startled him but he enjoyed it. the smaller boy turned around to face him and snuggled his head into mike's chest, falling asleep in mike's arms. although they were anxious that the other was uncomfortable, the truth was that they both equally enjoyed it.

~time skip to the next morning~

jonathan woke up early that day to go to work. but before he left, he walked down the hallway towards will's room and quietly opened the door, making sure not to wake then up. he poked his head in to see the two on the bed, will's head on mike's chest and mike's arm around him. jonathan smiled to himself before silently closing the door to quickly make a phone call. he dialed the numbers and held the phone to his ear. the person on the other side soon picked up.

"hey nance, you owe me 10 bucks, i just saw them cuddling," jonathan laughed.

a/n : ahah i hope you enjoyed this hehe (also i didn't really read it over so sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes)

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