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this story has a sad ending (nothing death related) so if you don't like byler depression, you can skip to the next story

word count : 666 (oh shit-)

it has been three months since will was back to normal. the mind flayer got sucked out of him and he was acting will-like again. no more being in between dimensions. he was back and better than ever. plus everything seemed to be back to normal again. except for one thing. eleven was back.

ever since she disappeared, mike has been talking nonstop about her, especially to will since he was the only one that would listen. anything will would say, he would reply "eleven would do the same". although will didn't show it, he was growing sick of it. will wasn't sick of it because it was annoying. yes, it was but there's another thing that was bothering him. his jealousy.

will had a crush on mike ever since they met in kindergarten. he always thought it was normal to feel that way towards a friend, but after coming back from the upside down, he realized he was in love with him. and ever since his sudden realization, he was constantly flustered in front of mike. blushing at eye contact and his hand brushing against his, stuttering while talking to him and nearly tripping when walking next to him. (hehe you can say he's literally falling for mike *wink*) but like mike would realize though, he was too busy thinking about eleven.

will thought the taller boy would stop rambling on and on about eleven now that she's back, but no. he was wrong. every conversation had to include eleven, whether she's in the conversation or mentioned, it always seems like she's there. "eleven" this and "eleven" that. it always makes will's insides boil, and it was pretty obvious too. but yet again, mike was too busy with eleven, he doesn't even notice.

the worst part about having her back was how mike keeps kissing and cuddling her whenever he had the group over at his basement. it never failed to ignite the fire inside of will. he had always dreamed of that for himself. having mike kiss him every second and not care that people were watching. it wasn't fair. therefore, his reaction would either be rolling his eyes at the two or frowning, sometimes tearing up because he longed for that. he longed for mike way longer than her.

mike might have been oblivious but lucas, dustin and max weren't. they aways knew he was different and not like the others. it was no surprise when they saw will jealous whenever mike and eleven would be lovey dovey with each other. it was even pretty obvious. the three had always had their suspicions about will's little crush. and they were all right.

seeing the two at school was another bad part about having eleven back (for will at least). mike would always show up at elevens locker to check up on her. that's what mike used to do to will. he missed having mike all to himself. it made him even more jealous. and he would always take the girl's hand to walk her to her next class. he would even stand up for her against the one and only asshole, troye harrington. mike used to do that for will as well. but not anymore.

mike abandoned him. especially when the shorter boy needed him. he abandoned him for a girl he knew for a week before she disappeared and was reunited with 353 days later, while will was there since kindergarten. his first friend. his best friend. the only one that would listen to his long, continuous rants about how he misses eleven. the jealousy was driving him crazy. will was going crazy, but not crazy together with mike, like he promised will 3 months ago. it was just him.

a/n : (i reread it at 12am so if there's any grammar mistakes, that's the reason why lol) sorry for the long wait for such a short and bad oneshot! but poor bb will :(

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