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no warnings :)

word count : 869

karen wheeler just dropped off little mike wheeler at kindegarten. it was the first day and he didn't know anyone. it was scary for him, especially because he was shy and super introverted. mrs. wheeler had to literally pry mike's tight grip off of her arm once she had to go. mike didn't want to stay. he missed it when he could stay home with people he knew. he missed playing with nancy after she came home from school. they would play for many hours, pretending they were on adventures and more. but now he was at school. lonely and afraid.

when the teacher finally dismissed the kids for recess after learning their abc's, mike started to feel sad. most kids would enjoy recess but mike didn't. he had no one to play with. he was lonely, without any friends. (me) but the teacher forced the kids outside and then shut the classroom door. mike was forced to stay outside for 20 minutes.

since he had to stay outside for 20 minutes, mike decided to do something so he wouldn't just stand there the whole time. he walked around the playground. it was way bigger than the one he would always go to at the park. mike headed towards the swings since it was his favorite. as he walked towards the swings he saw a little boy on one. he was holding a clipboard in his hand with a drawing attached onto it. and his other hand was in sync with his pencil on the paper. it moved swiftly, making a pretty drawing of a boy holding another boy's hand with a rainbow background. (MY GAY BB) mike thought he was pretty cute, especially when he was drawing since he made this adorable thinking face. he decided to walk up to him and ask if he wanted to be mike's friend. it kind of looked like he didn't have friends either so he sat on the swing next to his.

"hi, your drawing is so good!" mike complimented the smaller boy.
"oh!" he looked up from his drawing, "thank you!"
mike thought to himself, wow this boy is adorable.
"oops i haven't introduced myself yet. im mike!"
"im will," will said softly.
mike thought his name fit will so perfectly.
"hey do you want to be friends?"
"yea, sure!" will smiled.
mike smiled back. he actually made a friend. and his friend was adorable.
"so, who are you drawing?"
"oh," will's cheeks started to heat up, "you and me." (MY GAY BB PART 2)
it was mike's turn to blush. but he brushed it off and said, "wow that's amazing. i wish i could draw like you."
"i bet your drawings are amazing," will simply replied, going back to his drawing.
aww he's so cute and sweet.

the bell soon rang, signaling the kindergarteners to head back to their classes. luckily, mike and will were in the same class and didn't need to go their separate ways. but as they were walking back to their teacher, will suddenly tripped. mike saw and turned around to see a boy that looked like he was the one that pushed will.
"hah, nice one troye." the boy behind "troye" responded.
"looks like we got a gay little fairy here. along with a frog face. welcome to the freak show guys!" troye yelled loud enough for the other kids to hear. it worked and they all laughed. will couldn't handle all of this so he suddenly ran off to the bathroom and obviously mike followed him.
"wow look at frog face running after his little fairy boyfriend! look at him go," mike heard troye yell behind him as he followed will.

mike finally arrived at the bathroom the smaller boy ran into. he heard soft sobs. it broke little mike's heart. he found will sitting against the bathroom wall with his knees covering his beautiful face.
"hey there, don't cry! don't listen to him. you aren't a fairy or gay," mike spoke softly to will.
"but the problem is i am gay! i'm attracted to boys, not girls. everyone is right, i am a freak," will said before he returned to sobbing.
"will, don't say that. you aren't a freak! you should be able to love whoever you want to. it shouldn't matter if that person is a girl or boy" mike said, putting effort into comforting will. and it worked as he lifted his head and hugged mike. and the taller boy hugged back. as they pulled away, mike saw that wills mouth was still in a frown. mike wanted to turn it upside down (hehehe) so he did the first thing that he thought of. mike pecked will's pink soft lips. it shocked the boy at first but his frown later turned into a smile.
"what was that for?" will giggled.
mike could listen to that giggle all day.
"i wanted to kiss it better," mike replied, smiling. (OMG THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT)
they both stood up and walked hand in hand back to the classroom. maybe kindergarten wouldn't be so bad after all.

a/n : my bbs are so pure and cute wowow

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