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I woke up to Jen shaking me, a smile on her face. I gasped for breath, flinching at first. It was just instinct, I wasn't scared of Jen.

"You scared me!" I laughed, laying back down.

"Nope. Time to get up. Lana and Bex are coming in like ten minutes and we're having breakfast, so if you want a shower, jump in and put on some street clothes. You can put make-up and a dress on when it's time to get ready." Jen protested. I groaned and sat back up. "Come on." She held out her hand and helped me up. I jumped into the shower, threw on my t-shirt and jeans, threw my long brown hair into a messy bun, and decided on throw on my glasses. I didn't like to wear them, because I usually got enough contacts for my stay at a home, but I didn't feel like putting contacts in yet. Lana and Bex were already sitting on my bed, waiting with Jen and talking about setting me up with Jared. I just sat on my bed and leaned my head on Jen's shoulder.

"You wear glasses?" Bex asked.

"Yeah, I had a lot of money saved, so when I was in between homes, my social worker always brought me to get like five months of lenses, and I snuck out to get them if I ran out." I explained.

"You're adorable." Lana said. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You made that pretty clear last night. Also, you aren't setting me up with Jared." I replied.

"Who said it was Jared?" Jen teased.

"You three are the worst." I groaned.

"You're tired. You're not thinking straight." Bex joked.

"When do I ever think straight? That's Jen's job." I replied.

"No more gay jokes, overloaded, system reboot." Jen groaned. She layed down, and I fell with her. We laughed and Jen grabbed the phone. "We have to eat now or we won't get to." She said. She ordered our food, and we made fun of each other for a little while longer.

"How do you lock yourself out of your house? Don't you need the keys to lock the house?" I asked.

"You lock the house keys in the car." Jen replied.

"OK, I'm in charge of keys from now on." I laugh. Jen smiles and stands up.

"Deal." She laughed. There was a knock at the door.

"Room service!" Someone yelled. Jen got the door, and we brought the food into her room, because it had a table. We sat together, and Lana took the chance to tell a ton of embarrassing stories.

"So Jen was trying to run into Granny's, because it was freezing and pouring. She was almost there, and her heel slipped, and she fell on her butt. It was hilarious, but she was freezing." Lana laughed.

"She's not telling boyfriend stories for once." Jen whispered. Lana then began to tell about a ton of incidents with Jen's exes.

"And she waited like five minutes, as if we wouldn't catch on. Her shirt was on inside out." Lana finished.

"Really? Scarring my kid now?" Jen asked, covering my ears jokingly.

"That's my job." Lana teased.

"Don't make fun of the way I sneak around, because I kept that one hidden for months. About seven months ago, Josh walked in on you two making out." Jen began. "A week later, we had a really early shoot, and I could tell that Lana hadn't slept the night before. Her and Bex always waited for each other after scenes. Bex was finishing Wicked Witch things, and Colin and I had a CaptainSwan scene. Lana fell asleep in Bex's chair. When Bex finished, she woke Lana up, and Lana was too tired to care if anyone saw them cuddling, so she leaned on Bex while Bex said goodbye to us. They also had so many cute moments that I have an album of pictures of them on my phone."

"I was married." Lana reminded her.

"I know." Jen started rushing around her room and gathering her things. She tossed me a dress and I went back into my bathroom.

"Baby, you have to leave the make-up off for me." Jen yelled through the door.

"OK." I yelled back. I put my contacts in and took my hair down. I ran a brush through my hair and joined Jen back in her room. Jen was in her dress, and Lana and Bex were gone. I figured that they had gone to get ready, so I stood in front of a mirror near her bed and started putting make-up on my arms. Jen came up behind me and hissed my head. Lana and Bex came back in in their dresses, and Emilie was behind them.

"Morning!" Emilie chirped, a huge smile on her face. Jen smiled and gave her a quick hug before returning to the bathroom to finish her make-up.

"Hi." I smiled. I finished off the last bruise on my cheek, then turned around to look at my new family. All four of them were in the bathroom, Lana finishing up the last of her make-up, Bex straightening the last strands of her hair, Emilie fixing her dress, and Jen putting in earrings. I sighed, a smile on my lips. I leaned back against the mirror and felt the cool glass against part of my back. I laughed as Lana tried to kiss Bex's cheek, but Bex was still running her straightener through the last strand of her hair, and nearly hit Lana in the face with the hot iron. Lana jumped back, tripping over her own feet and falling on her butt. Bex kept apologizing, but Lana could only laugh. I giggled quietly, watching as Emilie almost trip over Lana. Emilie already in her heels, and she barely recovered from the near fall. Jen laughed with me and helped Lana off the ground. She looked over at me and smiled.

"Come on, kid we only have twenty minutes to make you up." She called. I walked over and she placed her hand in my back. I winced and she pulled her hand back.

"Bruise?" She asked.

"That's a cut." I reply. She kisses my head and looks at my back.

"Yikes, kiddo. Go grab your make-up. You might want to cover up your back." Jen said, kissing my head. I smiled and grabbed my stuff, fake coughing when I saw Lana and Bex making out in the middle of the room. Emilie was on her phone, facing away from them. She giggled, looking up at me. I fake coughed and they jumped apart, Lana's cheeks flushing a deep red.

"Thank you." Emilie laughed. I smiled and headed back into the bathroom. Jen began to cover up bruises on my back.

She covered up the last bruise on my back, kissed my cheek, and set all the make-up on the counter. I headed back into the room and sat next to Emilie. Lana and Bex were being cuddly and adorable now, and I didn't want to inturrupt them. Jen grabbed shoes for the both of us, tossing mine onto the bed. I slid them on, and it was time to go.

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