Chapter Three

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"Excuse me, you," Aline said, tapping on the shoulder of Hain.

Hain flinched away from her touch, giving her a glare that could've melted ice. "What the hell do you want?"

Aline didn't falter. Well, she did in her mind but she pushed forward. "You bumped into me over there with my friends," she said, motioning to Ula and Quill, "And then never said sorry? Plus, you were the same person that I asked for help and you just glared at me and kept walking!" Aline huffed, puffing out her cheeks. "Just a simple apology will be fine."

Hain just stared at Aline as if she was speaking gibberish. "Fine. I'm sorry." It looked like he was trying extremely hard not to kill her.

"That wasn't so hard. It's nice to meet you, Hain. Come meet Ula and Quill!" she cried out, grabbing his hand. "You look lonely."

"Whoa there. I don't think so." Hain glared, trying to pull his hand out of her grip. She was surprisingly strong. "Listen, can you just..." he hissed at her crushing grip on his hand. He looked uncomfortable beyond belief, yanking at her hand to stop her. "Stop."

"Nonsense! They'll love you!" Aline said, stopping in front of Quill and Ula. They stared at her before drifting their attention onto the scowling Hain. She removed her hand from his grip and grinned. "Guys, this is Hain! Be nice!"

"...Hi," Ula said. She seemed nervous. "Um, I'm Ula and this is my brother, Quill and--"

"I know," Hain grunted cutting them off.

Quill paled and backed up away from Hain's stare.

Hain seemed unimpressed. "It was wonderful meeting all of you," he drawled out, a firm scowl fitted over his face. "Now I have to leave." His eyes hovered on the twins for a moment, a spark of recognition in his eyes before bringing them back over to Aline, cold as ever.

For a male fae with lavender hair and purple eyes, he sure knew how to look like he could kill someone with a simple glare.

"We'll see you around then, Hain," Ula said, waving to him. It sounded forced but at least she had said it.

Hain glared at Ula before turning away, tail twitching in an agitated way. He shoved past the crowded fae, going back to stand where he had been before, glaring at anyone who'd come too close.

Aline forced a smile. "See? He wasn't that bad!" Aline commented. "Guys?"

Ula and Quill were still staring at Aline like she had grown an extra tail or her wings had gotten ripped off. Quill had his mouth open, the same as Ula, and they looked identical in their expressions and mannerisms.

Aline looked behind her, making sure that none of the sorts had happened. "What? Hello?"

"I can't believe you actually got him to talk to us. He's been my neighbor all my life and he hasn't said a word to me until this moment. Do you think he realized that we lived next to each other?" Ula asked, stage-whispering once more. "Like, wow, he's kind of rude, but he spoke. He has a voice."

Aline wanted to say something along of the lines of 'you probably hadn't tried. He seemed nice enough for me dragging him over here against his will,' but kept it to herself. It would be better to not get into a fight about Ula's efforts to speak to him. What mattered was that she had a new friend. Two new friends.

"Probably, I mean--" Quill was cut off by the shrill sound of a horn sounding overhead.

Everyone looked up to see someone flying, blowing a horn to gain everyone's attention. "Travelers and knights in training, your attention please!" he shouted, landing on the stage.

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