Chapter Two

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When Aline left her home, it was anything short of emotional. Sylvie was begging her to stay for just a few more hours. Her dad was smiling despite the fear radiating off of him, hands shaking as he placed a gentle hand on atop Aline's head.

"Go show them what you've got, Aline." Her father's voice sounded proud and fearful at the same time. He ruffled her hair before he stepped back, holding onto Sylvie so Aline could leave without her sister running after her.

Aline's heart broke as she started to walk backward from her house. "I'll be sure to complete training! Don't worry about me!" she called out, her left hand resting on the satchel her sister had made her.

When she turned around to view the open path in front of her, she took a deep breath. This was it. The moment that would change her path in life forever. She was holding her breath without realizing it.

Aline then laughed and started to fly forward. She was being silly. This wouldn't be a life-changing moment. It was just changing where she lived for a period of time. Her eyes drifted above to the speckled lights that were now dimming with the coming dawn. It was beautiful.

Dawn and evening were her favorite times of the day. The way the lights that were strung across the town squares from pole to pole dimmed and brightened to the way the shopkeepers and fae alike fluttered in and out of the crowds made it her favorite. Of course, it wouldn't be possible without the Travelers and the Dreamweavers collecting dreams to power the lights and other houses.

A burst of pride made Aline smile even wider. She probably looked like a creep with a smile stretching her face but she couldn't find it in her body to stop.

Shopkeepers with cicada wings fluttered out, waving to Aline. "Did you get it?" One called out, stopping from setting up their wares for a few moments.They seemed interested in what Aline was so happy about.

Aline nodded, hearing a cheer of support from the shopkeeper. "Thank you!" she called out, hurrying her pace. She just wanted to get to the castle where she could meet others like her.

White-walled houses and fae fluttering out onto balconies, waving at the passersby below. Fae hauled their wares out to their stores or opened their doors toward anyone who wanted to stop by to say hello. Lights were now shut off in favor for the sunlight radiating up over the horizon.

Faes with bumblebee wings started their daily haul west to the Ironwing Mines, ready to spend the day mining for minerals and gems to trade toward their partners past the Skeletal Peaks, the sylphs.

Locust wings visited the fae with ladybug wings, giving them food in exchange for herbs and plants they've grown in their garden. Promises of more food to be given came from the talented chefs as they thanked the gardeners.

Aline was surprised to see that it was so busy even now at this time of day. People were alive and buzzing around, silk makers--those with butterfly wings such as her sister and father--hung their dresses and clothing out to dry from the previous nights of making them.

Faes knocked on the doors of those with alderfly wings--doctors--to help them with their troubles, common colds or not. They seemed happy to help and ushered those with needs into their home.

It took a few moments of floating around to realize that Aline was hopelessly lost. She'd gone no further than the square she'd lived, and now she was trying to navigate an entire kingdom on her own.

A male fae seemed to pause and stare up at the squares in awe as she had been doing a few moments ago. Maybe he could help her. "Hi, excuse me--oh you're busy? Sorry," she murmured, flying back into the shadows. The fae who she tried to ask, a boy with lavender hair, just glared in her direction and kept flying.

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