Chapter Thirteen

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Aline stood in front of the door, gnawing at her nails. She should've visited Ece first. Or maybe she shouldn't have come at all. "Hain, I think I'm going to back out. She might be sleeping and--"

Hain put his hand on Aline's shoulder to direct her toward the door. "No, you're not backing out. Hallee is practically watching the door for you. Go." He waited a moment before removing his hand, standing behind her.

Aline sighed and nodded, opening the door. She stepped into the warmly lit hallway, staring at the worn wooden walls. There were shiny spots on where people and patients had turned to lean against the wall. "Hallee?"

"Hallee, I have Aline with me. I brought her like you asked," Hain said and then ducked.

Aline widened her eyes as she saw Hallee come flying--flying--down the hallway, arms outstretched for her. She stumbled backward, catching Hallee in her arms. "Hallee!" she gasped out, trying to keep her balance.

Hain caught her and pushed her back up, stepping away from the two girls. "It was Hallee's idea."

Hallee practically burst into tears, her wings fluttering like nothing had happened to them. "My wings are fine! The doctor said I can go anytime I wanted to, but I wanted to surprise you!"

Aline felt tears prick at the edges of her eyelids and she smiled, starting to laugh despite the tears in her eyes. "Hallee--I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I hurt you--"

"You didn't hurt me," Hallee said, stepping back. "I mean...if anything, I was the one who caused this. I tried to take the device from your hands while Ece gave it to you."

Aline shrugged, shuffling her feet. "I...I don't know. I feel bad. If I hadn't just darted into the room and actually paused to look around, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"There's a lot of things that could've happened, Aline, and a lot of things we all could've done to prevent this, but we didn't, and it happened, but now it's over. There's nothing you can do to change it, and that's fine, okay?" Hallee placed a hand on Aline's shoulder and smiled. "I'm not angry at you or Quill. The past is the past and it's no use holding onto it when the future's right in front of you!" She grinned and flung a hand out.

Aline was quiet for a moment, letting Hallee's words sink into her. "You...yeah, you're right," she said, nodding. "Yeah."

Someone behind them cleared their throat. "I'd love to see the reunion, but Hallee, you've stayed long enough. You're welcome to stop by anytime, dear." Dr. Geraldine smiled, ushering them outside. "Stop by for a check-up in a week, Hallee. See you soon. Remember, you always have a place to stay with me. Just stop by."

Hallee waved to her, watching her shut the door. "She's a nice fae," she said, ignoring the curious stares she got from the final words that Dr. Geraldine had said.

Aline looked around, lowering her wings as a thud of disappointment hit her. "Where's Quill?"

"Daffodil still has him from what I've heard," Hain explained, stepping away from Aline. "I think she's still laying it on him. I didn't hear much, but I guess whatever he did must've been pretty bad."

Aline frowned. "He just...made a mistake, is all. A big one, but just a mistake," she said, fiddling with her fingers. Quill was easily juggling his punishments laid out for him by Daffodil and he had been visiting Hallee everyday. Her issues seemed small in comparison to what Quill had been doing.

Hallee sighed, stretching her arms toward the sky. "Just because you didn't visit me as much--or at all--as Quill did doesn't mean you're any less of a friend. I get it. You were going through something. Quill told me about what was going on." Hallee looked over to her and gave a smile, hugging Aline. "It's fine. Forgive yourself for something you didn't even do, Aline."

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