Cali Kids

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Her love was like honey
Smooth & sweet
And I️ wanted


Giovanni POV

" And bitch I already hate it. I mean, I'm supposed be there in New York with you. It's gonna be our senior year soon and I have to do it all by myself"

I told my bestfriend. We were on a ft call.

"I know baby girl, I wish you were still here. But you're not alone, You got Ana"

Ana as in Giovanna my twin sister. Yes, there's two of my cute ass. And if the looks don't confuse people, the names do.

"I know Chrissy, I know. But it's not gonna be the same without you. You're my bestfriend. Prom, graduation, cheer. This is what we always talked about."

"Don't worry Gio, the school year is gonna go by super quick. And then we have college which will be 10 times better. Think about it.. decorating our dorm, going to all the lit ass parties and joining Alpha Kappa Alpha! We're gonna have so much fun. And besides, you know you don't wanna be stuck here seeing these stink ass Canarsie kids" she chuckled

She was right. If there was one thing I wasn't gonna miss about New York it would be sitting in that school with all them wack ass dickriding girls and them bum ass scammer niggas.

"You know me so well" I managed to laugh. "It just sucks we couldn't even spend the summer together. Now I'm here and the only friend I have is my sister. What am I gonna do?"

"Girl don't even worry about it. I know ya got a mall down there. You and Ana go get fly. Ya cute as hell too? Shiiiiiit I know niggas are gonna flock to you. You'll make plenty of friends. By the time the school year comes, they won't even realize you're a new girl"

"Mhmm I don't know about allat"

She rolled her eyes

"Get ya ass up and take Ana with you. I mean it bitch. Neowwww"

"Fine fine, imma go get dressed. And I'll be sure to tell you all about my wonderful new friends when I get back" I said sarcastically and managed to laugh. But mostly at how dumb it sounded rather than it actually being funny

"As long as you don't replace me hoe!" She said, I laughed

"I could never replace you" I smiled, it was true. "But let me go, love you hoe!"

"Love you more thot" she blew a kiss before hanging up

I tossed my phone to the side next to me while laying down on my new bed in a new home in a new state. Everything was new to me. I stared at the mirror ceiling while stressing myself out more in my head. I just got here around 3am lastnight. The plane ride was alright but Giovanna was sleep the whole time so I was up to myself and I didn't sleep that much cause I had so much on my mind. California is so different from Brooklyn. The girls here even look different and me and Ana stick out like a sore thumb. I wish I was still in New York but My mom thought it would be good for us to get away and live with our older sister Kalise. I understand where she's coming from. It's been getting crazy out in NYC, kids dying younger and younger. I'd hate for my mom to have to lose one of us. I guess I'll just suck it up. Not like I have a choice. But really, the fuck am I supposed to do for the next month and a half. It's not like schools starting and I'll meet people to hang out with. Whatever.

"Hey you" I heard a familiar voice come into my room and of course it was Ana.

"Hey me" I cracked a slight smile at her

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