#Part 4 - Once Upon A Time Between Heart & Mind

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Once upon a time, there were two friends

the mind and the heart.

The mind always thought, the heart was dumb and I am smart.

One day a small fight tore them apart.

Mind warned heart saying,

"Why don't you do your part and let me do mine?"

The heart was not intimidated  and stood bravely

And said to the mind,

"I will be there with you,

'Til the grave."

The mind replied saying,

  "Why do you always complicate things?"

The heart then said back,

 "Because we both have common strings."

The strife of words went on like this

 for quite a long time.

Yet it could not be resolved

 "What was silly and

  what was prime?"

The mind then lost its temper saying,

 "I am the king and

  no matter whatever you say,

  I will not listen to anything."

The heart with a smile on

remained calm and quiet.

Because it knew,

 what was wrong and what was right.

Then one day, an uninvited fear, 

 challenged the mind.

The mind lost his boast saying,

   "Alas! if I can unwind.

I always thought

 I am the king

 and I would never lose.

But now I don't have anything

  but defeat to cheer."  

The heart then consoled the mind saying,

 "You are still the king."

And taught the mind,

how to fight back like a sincere guide.

The mind then realized,

 "The heart was its best mate

And if mind decides the action,

 the heart decides the fate."

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