#Part 6 - Visitor From The Past

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Knock, knock!

Hey ! it's me.

Shocked to meet? That's great!

Its just been a month and you 

have forgotten all about me.

Just a month since everything

between us shattered.

Just a month since I was 

left all alone forever and ever.

But here I am lurking at your doorstep,

trying to remind you of me.

As I won't let my memories

be faded just like anything.

I know you can't see me, 

just hear my voice.

Afraid of me 'cause now

you can't do anything .

I wish you could stare at me

the way I am staring at you.

I wish I could feel something

when I see you with another one.

In all the chaos of your life,

I forgot, forgot what's it like to live life.

I sacrificed everything for you but 

ended up as another skeleton in your closet.

Now, I am frozen in time,

lost forever in this twilight haze.

All alone in this world much

like a structure less prose.

It feels bad to be the

ghost of your scandalous past.

Still, don't worry 'cause I will never

leave you alone like you did with me.

I will be forever with you

practically undetected by anyone but you.

I will make you regret leaving me,

make you regret everything you did.

You will cry, ask for help,

but would find no respite.

I will be forever with you as your 


alive-dead in this strange world.

Goodbye (for now) the ex-love of my life!

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