#Part 7 - Strange Tale Of Man

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Credit :- Upendra Sir

Man's days of life on Earth are numbered;

His life full of obstacles and encumbered

with difficulties and many challenges;

However with strength, he all of them manages.

Let me tell you the tale of a great man

who long lived in an ancient clan.

He was honest, industrious and caring;

Silently he lived, always giving and sharing

everything he had to those who were in need;

But his great words and deeds were not paid heed.

He helped the needy, was never ever greedy.

Never ever did he anything immoral and seedy;

Yet people found fault with him and his ways;

none ever praised him unto his last days.

When he breathed his last, after living a great life

then people felt he had left behind the light

of his deeds that made the world bright.

This is the sad tale of man's life;

His goodness remains unrecognised

as long as he is alive.

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