#Part 13 - If-

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Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's poem, IF

If the whole world is at your feet,

but you are humble;

If you are nervous inside,

but you still attempt not to fumble;

If you believe yourself when

all others doubt you;

If you can trust yourself when others don't

but be tolerant to their doubting too;

If you can reach the heights of success

without losing your common touch;

If you can treat your failures as stepping stones  

 and never worry about such;

If you can fill even a sad minute with

sixty seconds of happiness;

If you are irritated with someone

yet you show them your cheeriness;

If you can wait and not be

tired by waiting;

If you try to love everyone

 and not give a thought to hating;

If you can treat victory and fiasco

 just the same;

If you do not breathe a word about your loss

and prepare for next time with more aim;

If you can be merciful even towards  

your greatest enemy ever born; 

If you never try to make anyone feel

sad and forlorn;

If you achieve everything you want

yet not be boastful;

You will be a great human, my dear

I am completely hopeful!

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