#Part 20 - To My Ex-Friend

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You were there
But you just kept on staring
While I kept on drowning
In the sea of pain.

You saw all
But you chose to ignore me
Chose to desert me
When I needed you the most.

You weren't worried
When I sat there crying,
Sat there waiting
For your much needed support.

You knew everything
Yet you kept quiet
Kept on enjoying my plight
And it broke me a little more.

I'll always remember
Our stubborn little fights
Which used to give us deathly frights
And made us apologise quick.

I trusted you
But I got tired of your trust issues
Tired of being called a shrew
Even when I begged you.

I always knew
Our friendship was slowly dying
But I kept on hoping
For it to survive the calamity.

We were best friends
But it got like this somehow
For all we seem to be now
Are silence and dirty looks.

We were their envy
With our strong friendship
Now, however, a wrecked ship
Would probably signify us better.

The tangles of our bond
Fizzled out our friendship
Leaving behind a rubbish tip
Forever waiting for you to fess up.

I have tried a sort of pattern in writing the stanzas. I dunno if you had noticed it before me pointing out! ;)

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