#Part 22 - The Halloween Santas

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Been dancing round the bushes

Red and white fabric twirling around me.

Giggling arrives, accompanying gushes

Flaunting several bright Orangish faces.

They tumble, stutter, squirm and push

Grinning ear to ear at my sight.

I stop twirling and make them shush

From fear of waking up the ménage.

Just then, the clock struck thrice

Announcing our treating hour.

The pumpkins and me begin to rise

For time of our shenanigans had come.

We walk and hop through the shades

Whistling slowly throughout the way.

Ignoring the usual trick-or-treat charades

Giving something sweet to eat, trick free.

We are the Santas of Halloween

Giving out treats without any tricks.

The ones loved alike by adults and weans

No matter what their actual age is.

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