#Part 23 - Me and Love(At 15)

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Rose day is for re-reads

where I re-read all non-love YA.

Propose day is for rom-coms

where I laugh at romantic cliché.

Free chocolates are guaranteed

on the sweet Chocolate day.

Valentine's Day gets spent sometimes 

as finding St.Valentine trivia day


I had my first crush(celeb) 

when I was in grade three.

I thought I had fallen in love,

oh! what a silly ME!

Then followed infinite others

and every time I fell just as hard.

Those celebs all fell in love

and I was left painfully jarred.

My Girl-Friends all dated on and off

while I remained steady with books.

Almost all my crushers* were guys

who judged by nothing but looks.

February is just like another month

but with added onus and fun.

I turn the perfect relationship adviser

helping to decide whom to shun.

Teen fictions, I have read, somehow

always involve love interests.

Does no author out there 

think and care for our disinterests?

NOTE: Crusher means the person who has a crush.
               Crushee means the person on whom one has a crush.

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