Multicolored clownman

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It's Christmas eve and snowy 1800s England and in a small house there lived a little boy named Isaac, Isaac was a sad child with not a friend to his name he lived with his mom after she and Isaac's dad had broken up after Isaac's mom had beaten the poor man nearly half to death.
Isaac laid on his bed wondering what it would be like if he actually had a friend to play with, until his attention was brought upon by a guardian angle who crafted a little, wooden box and sent it to Isaac's house.
 The next morning Isaac woke up to find the box sitting by his bed and he grabbed the box and spun the little windup handle and sung to the last verse of pop goes thee weasel.
Just then the box burst open revealing a bunch of steam and confetti and there stood a tall, cone nosed, multicolored clownman with red hair and blue feathers sitting upon his shoulders "COME ONE COME ALL WEATHER BIG OR SMALL TO SEE THE BEST CLOWN OF THEM ALL, LAUGHING JACK" Isaac stared up at the clownman in awe "who are you?" The clown stared down at Isaac "the name's Laughing Jack and I was created by your ancestors to be your new friend Isaac.
"really? We're friends?" Jack cocked an eyebrow "friends? Dude we're best friends I was created especially to be your not so imaginary friend, and now that introductions are out of the way how would you like to play a game?" Isaac smiled joyfully "really? We can play games? I'd love to" Isaac then frowned "oh...I can't....I have to go downstairs to meet mother for homeschooling and chores" Jack placed a comforting hand on Isaac's shoulder "don't worry I'll be waiting right here for when you get back.

(I'll always be there for you) Isaac Grossman and Laughing JackWhere stories live. Discover now