Isaac's superhero name

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Jack and Jill eventually got back to Isaac's house and found him sleeping on thee couch and Jack shook him awake "hey...Isaac? Wake up" Isaac mumbled and eventually woke up "what now?" Jack chuckled and Jill smiled.

"Isaac we need to find Zalgo before he gets away" then Isaac got up "then we'd better get going but I've been thinking about my new disguise name.

The trio thought about it and Jack came up with the name " what about...*the hooded mask*" Isaac smiled cheekily "I have a better idea what about *the hooded mask*" Jack pouted at Isaac steeling the idea but laughed.

"Then it's settled....we search for Zalgo tonight" Isaac then yawned "well if I get tired tomorrow I'll be late and I have to file a report on you saving a teenage gay couple" Jack nodded "alright then nighty-night kiddo"

~Meanwhile ~

Deep in the under realm Zalgo peered through the crystal ball and smirked as he heard what Isaac had just said "hmm...excelent"

(I'll always be there for you) Isaac Grossman and Laughing JackDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora