Jack's night of crime fighting

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When Isaac got into bed Jack tucked him in and climbed into his and Jill's bed "tonight was fun we should do it again sometime" Jack said to Jill as they both drifted off to sleep, but Jack had an idea "do it again?...hmm" then Jack got out of bed and searched up crime on Isaac's new laptop he got for his birthday.

He searched for (recent crimes) and when he did he found a bank robbery in the town square so he teleported and found himself at the bank and saw 2 men carrying a bag of money each, getting into a getaway truck and speeding off "STOP THIEVES!" the bank manager yelled but Jack magicked up a floating surfboard, jumped onto it and sped after the truck.

Jack dodged each vehicle that zoomed past him and eventually caught up to the truck, he then ripped the back door open and extended his arms, grabbing the money and magically sent it back to the bank before climbing into the truck and punched a hole through the wall that lead to the drivers seat.

He grabbed the 2 bank robbers, jumped onto thee front seat and stopped the truck before returning it to the bank along with the bank robbers and the bank manager shook hands with Jack before thanking him "well it was nothing sir now if you'll excuse me I have more crime to stop" he then turned around, extended his arms making them grab 2 buildings on each side and catapulted himself in the air "LAUGHING JACK AWAY!"

All night he saved people from murder, bank robbery, kidnapping, rape etc and it was all the same and when Jack was finally finished he went back to bed and smiled proudly "I'm more than a not-so imaginary friend I'm a hero"

(I'll always be there for you) Isaac Grossman and Laughing JackWhere stories live. Discover now