new heroes

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It had been 2 days since Isaac's accident and he was finally out of the hospital and when he got home Jack embraced Isaac "ISAAC YOU'RE ALIVE!" He yelled "I missed you too Jack" then Jill came into the room, pale faced "umm Jack, Isaac? You may want to come and see this" Jack, Jill and Isaac went into the living room and saw what was on the TV.


Jeffrey Woods has disappeared after murdering his own parents his brother Lou Woods had this to say.

Lou: I would just like to say that it wasn't Jeff's fault that he murdered our parents because he was shot with a flair gun and our parents didn't even care and I'm writing a book about how he became Jeff the killer.

Jeff could still be out there and after the Jeffrey Woods indecent that happened in Mandeville earlier this evening nobody will ever move there again.

Jack was surprised "Jeffrey Woods? Isn't that the boy we tried to make happy after we left Isaac?" Jill nodded and switched off the TV "we need to find that boy and stop him before he causes anymore damage" so it was settled the trio were on a mission to find Jeff the killer and bring him to justice.

(I'll always be there for you) Isaac Grossman and Laughing JackWhere stories live. Discover now