Talk To Me 😕

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"Uh....Cheryl, you want us to go?" Inaya asked me as she looked at me and then at Tony. "Oh no. You don't need to leave. I mean, if you want to." I said as I looked at her. "Maybe we shoul-...." Inaya said But bee cut her off. "Can I stay? I wanna stay." Bre said as she tapped on Inaya. "Pumpkin, when I'm talking to adults....don't interrupt, we've talked about that. Plus, I don't think that Auntie Peps need to have more on her plate right now." Inaya told Bre. "Oh no. She can stay. You know that I'll take care of your baby. They're having fun." I then said. "You sure?" Inaya asked me. "Oh yeah. I have some clothes and everything for her. You can just go home and relax." I said as I smiled down at Bre. "Alright now. You be good for Cheryl. Call me if this child doesn't act right. She knows better." Inaya said as she kissed Bre on the forehead and walked towards the door. "She's a sweetheart. Don't worry." I said as I smiled and followed her towards the door. "See you." Inaya said as she went to her car. I then closed and locked the door. "Girls. Go upstairs and strengthen up a little. I'm about to start dinner." I said as I walked into the kitchen. They then ran upstairs with the little puppy and giggled the entire way up there.

"I-....Yeah, I should have talked to you about it before hand. I just knew that Cai was unhappy about what happened the other day with Shemar and I. I knew that she needed something to help her feel better. So, I got the little cute puppy for her. I just want my daughter to be happy." Tony said as I leaned against the counter and folded his arms. "You surely know how to keep your daughter happy but you fail at it when it comes to keeping your wife happy." I said as I took the glass plates out of the cabinet. "What did I do now?" Tony said as his entire facial expression changed. I didn't say anything. "What do you want from me?" Tony said as he walked over towards me. "What do you mean what do I want from you? I just want us to get better. We were improving at one moment and now...I don't know. Shemar messed everything up and now we are just, confusing." I said. "Yeah but don't go saying that I failed at making you happy. There's not a day when I don't try to make you happy. I'm trying but lately it's been seeming like me trying isn't enough for you." Tony said as he blocked my way from finishing what I was doing. "It's just my fault, Okay? None of this is your fault. It's mines." I said as I looked away from him. Tony then started to look confused. "Your fault how? You didn't do anything." Tony said in a calm voice. "Yeah, Okay." I said as my voice cracked. A tear fell but I rushed to wipe it away. I then started to make dinner and looked down at what I was doing. "Cheryl, If there's something that you need to tell me. Just tell me already." Tony said as he looked at me. I looked up at him but I knew that I shouldn't tell him the truth. In this case, the truth hurt. "It's nothing. I just need to do better at my part is all." I said as I sniffled. Tony just looked at me. "I'm trying." He then suddenly said. "I'm trying too." I said. Tony then put his hands on his face and took a deep breath. "How about this? You explain what you want me to do differently and I'll explain what I want you to do differently." Tony then said as he sat on the counter and looked at me. "Go first." I told him as I started to make dinner. "Hmmm. Maybe, you could start telling me how you feel more? Telling me things because I feel like there are some things that you're not telling me. Either it's because you're scared or you feel like I'm not gonna care. I want you to trust in me more. Trusting that I'm trying my best with you. Also, knowing and believing that I wanna get better." Tony said.
"Okay. My turn. I want you to listen to me more. You're not listening to me. Don't blame things on me because not everything is my fault. At least try to connect with why I do the things that I do and don't just push me away. Make me feel like a priority because recently- I've been feeling last. I don't ask for much but I do want to be closer to you." I then said.

"Gotcha. Now, we can work on those things and see what we can do better." Tony said as he took a deep breath. "Yeah..." I then said.


"Mommy....Bre went to sleep." Cai said as she jumped on the couch next to me and laid her head on me. "You guys were having fun all day. Did you have fun?" I asked her. "Yes." She said as she yawned. I then pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head. I already knew that she would be out for the night in about 10 seconds.

                 TONY's POINT OF VIEW 

I walked downstairs to see where Cai was and I saw her and Cheryl asleep on the couch. I walked over towards them slowly and smiled at the look of them being asleep so peacefully. I then slowly picked up Cai and took her upstairs.

I wanted nothing in the world but to make my baby girl happy. So far, I'm doing well. The only thing that's worrying me is Cheryl. I don't know what it is between us and I feel like I can't make it better. I never really could make it better because something in her won't let me. After we get over one thing, there's another thing. I remember when she didn't even want me to kiss her anymore. Boy did that hurt my hurt and break it into millions of pieces. I keep having to repay for my mistakes that I've done years ago and I'm getting so tired. No, I don't wanna leave her. I can't do that to my kids for one. People might think that it's bad to stay in a marriage just for your kids but I can't do that to them. They don't deserve the back and forth thing between their parents through the week.

I then walked back downstairs and sat next to Cheryl. "Baby." I said as I kissed her on her cheek. She woke up and looked in the previous spot that Cai was in. "I took her upstairs with Bre." I said as I held her hand. "Oh." She said as she sat up straight and wiped her eyes. "Some stuff has been on my mind and I wanna talk to you about it." I said as I looked at her. "Not now, Tony. I'm tired." She said. "I know but it's bothering me." I said as I let go her hand and turned towards her. "'s....11 o'clock." Cheryl said as she checked her phone. "Yeah. I-..." I said but she cut me off. "Goodnight." Cheryl said as she left to go upstairs. "I-..." I said but I just gave up. I watched her leave and just said whatever.

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