Our Choices

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"He cheated." I told Shemar as I sat on the edge of his bed in shame. Tears were flowing from my eyes. I was too ashamed to look him in the eyes.

"He did what?!" Shemar asked me angrily as I squatted down In front of me.

"Calm down, Shemar! Yes, Tony cheated! A woman named Kaitlyn. I feel so dumb and foolish. I should have known." I said as I put my face in both of my hands.

"No, no, don't say that. You're not! It's him that is! You've done nothing wrong!" He tried to convince me.

"Yes, I did! He said that I wasn't giving him enough attention but what can I do? I'm away for plays and everything just gets so hectic! My baby Cai isn't even a baby anymore. She's 2 and I'm not even there to see her grow. I don't understand, Shemar. I've done my best to be the best wife for him but he doesn't care. You've seen the way he talks to me and you know that he doesn't give a damn about me. Reminds me of Mike sometimes- selfish. I'm trying so hard to keep it together but I'm hurt, Shemar. How could he do this to me?" I said as I cried some more.

"Fuck him, Cheryl!" He yelled at me.

I just couldn't control myself. I just wanted to lay here and cry myself to sleep. Because of Tony cheating- I had to reject some plays and get my life together. I'm happy that Shemar wanted to help but the damage had been done.

Every time I made love to her- it felt like the first time all over again. From me knowing how to please her and knowing her body from head to toe. To her giving in and actually thinking that I wouldn't finish what Ive started? She had another thing coming because I always finish what I start. She knew that too.

I held her arms above her head as I started to give her some more kisses while our skin still touched each other. Still inside.
"I don't like it when you give in so easily. Nor do I like it when you run away from me. Be still and take it." I told her as I kissed her neck. She was speechless at this point.
Today, I felt like not giving her any mercy and I don't even know why. I wanted to show her that I was made for her and she for I. I wasn't a beginner to her body and she wasn't to mines. She knew what I was working with and I knew how to work it on her. Tony could never make her feel this way- ever. One thing a man should know about his woman is her body. What escalates her. What teases her. How to make her happy and how to make her smile. Knowing everything about her and that's exactly what I knew- everything about her. I knew it all. Years of listening to her laugh. Years of holding her while she cried herself to sleep in my arms. Her telling me how many niggas broke her heart and which nigga she actually some what dug. Knowing her favorite food, movie, color, her happiest moments and her worst moments in life. If she wasn't honestly for me...I wouldn't understand. Cai and Ciyle were just meant to be.

"Man....are you and Cheryl a thing?" My friend asked me as we worked out in the gym together.

"Hell nah. That's my best friend, yo. Why do people keep asking me that damn question? The next person to ask is getting their ass beat. Always in my business." I said as I scrunched up my face as I lifted a weight with one arm. I mugged myself in a mirror.

"Just askin', Homie. Y'all always so close and always together. She's always kissing yo cheek and shit. Smiling at you as if she wanna drag yo bald headed ass in the back room. Then, you're always grabbing her waist and callin' her yo baby girl. I wouldn't be surprised if you tapped that ass." He said as he laughed and put his hand out for me to give him some dap.
I looked at his hand in disgust. No dap.

"Just shut up, man." I said as I continued working my arm.

"Tell me this! You ain't once thought about grabbing her ass?" He asked me. I ignored him.

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