A Busy Day

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Cai went over Inaya's house to play with Bre for the day, while Ciyle went over my Mom's house. Tony would soon get the both of them this afternoon after work is over with. The first opportunity that I accepted was- to be a guest on The Quiet Storm with Lenny Green. Lenny was a great friend of mine and despite the uncomfortableness of him calling me his "Cupcake"...I took the opportunity to go on air and just talk about whatever. He was always kind to me and I felt like this small interview about the update of my life would be fun.

"Hey, Cupcake." Lenny said as I gave him a hug.

"Still calling me that, huh?" I said as I laughed during the hug.

"Oh yeah. Also, guess what?" He said as he pulled out the chair for me. I looked at the microphone in front of me and remembered how it felt to sit here once before.

"What's that?" I said as I got comfortable in the chair and watched him walk around the small studio room.

"I-.....got you some cupcakes. Welcome back on air, Cheryl." He said in a soft voice and smiled as he sat the box of 4 decently placed cupcakes in front of me.

(I can't keep a straight face while writing this. 🤣 Damn cupcakes. Only some will understand the inside joke.)

"That's very nice of you." I said as I slightly laughed.

"Anyways, how have you been? I haven't seen you in forever. Congratulations on the baby and also, I knew that I needed to have you on to catch me up. I'm gonna ask some fun questions and we are just gonna have fun!" He said as he sat down and clasped his hands together.

"I'm doing well, actually. Also, thank you for having me and calling me about this- I really needed to get out of the house. Haven't been working for over a year and 5 months." I explained as I turned towards him.

"3 minuets?" Lenny asked someone has he then put up the thumbs up. "Alright, thanks." He said as he nodded his head, adjusted his microphone and scooted up to the table some more.

"Get ready, Cheryl." He told me as he touched my arm. I got ready and then the light went red to indicate that we were on.

"This is Lenny Green and you are listening to....The Quiet Storm." He said in a slow and smooth voice. I smiled over at him and tapped my fingers on the table quietly.

"I'm here with the beautiful, busy and talent- Cheryl "Pepsii" Riley. Most of you know her to be in quiet a few Tyler Perry Plays and she also has her own music. Creator of Black Velvet Monday's down there in Greenwich Village. Dope live music. How you doin', Cheryl?" He asked me in a slight New York accent.

"I'm doing great, Lenny. How are you?" I asked him in a way that sounded as if we hadn't just finished talking a few minutes ago.

"I'm great. This is my Cupcake, my people. Cheryl recently had a baby boy with her husband, Tony. What's his name?" He asked as he looked at me and smiled a warm smile.

"Ciyle. Yep, that's my baby boy." I said as I then smiled my closed smile.

"Gosh. I gotta see this little dude. So, any new music?...plays? What will you be working on?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure yet because I might just stay home with my babies still." I said as I looked at my phone on the table and saw that Tony texted me that he was listening to me. It made me smile.

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