Falling From The Floor

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Cheryl's Point Of View
Location- Inaya's House
Time- 9:36 p.m

"Alright. Please....explain to me what the hell is going on. You're confusing me and you're confusing Bre even more. She thinks that he's her Father you fool." I told her as I looked at her.

"I know, I know." She said as she put both of her hands on her face.

"Well?...." I said as I looked at her and moved closer to her. "Who is he?" I asked her.

"You don't know who he is. We've been talking for a while now." She told me.

"And you didn't tell me?!" I harshly whispered.

"You were focused on figuring out what the hell you and Shemar were gonna do. Don't-....nope. Don't do that, Cheryl. At least I told you." She whispered as she moved closer towards me. We were hoping that Bre didn't hear us and what we were saying. Upstairs became really silent.

"Lord.....Okay, Okay. Uhm....hold on- you're pregnant too?" I asked her. She nodded her head yes.

"Wow. Okay....uhm, the first thing that we need to get straight is telling Bre that it wasn't her Father." I told her.

"Cheryl, I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because....I don't know. I promised him that I wouldn't say anything about him until he was ready." She told me.

"You're joking right? You can't even tell your own child about him? I'm not trying to be-...never mind. I can't say that because I did the same thing. Damn. Ugh. We are really fucking up aren't we?" I asked her as I took a deep breath.

"Yep. I'll tell her though. I will. She needs to know because I know that she's getting confused. He's really sweet Cheryl and usually he comes and we just talk about...everything. Everything that bothers me- he listens. He just holds me and.....I think that I actually kinda love him." She told me.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked her.

"Uh, a little bit before you and I started hanging out again. A while is all I know- who's counting?" She said as she poured herself another glass of wine.

"I am." I said as I moved her wine glass away from her. She gave me a look and half way rolled her eyes at me.

"Go and talk to her. She deserves to know. Especially since she's gonna have either a baby brother or a baby sister coming soon...." I told her.

Cheryl's Point Of View

If you were to ask me- would I go back and do all of this differently? I would simply say....maybe.

I've done some bad things in my life and I've made some bad choices but- the thing is— I still have my family.

Yes, Tony forgave me and yes, Shemar and I are strictly friends now. That's the way that it should be and that's the way that it should stay. I'll make sure of that as well because we all know that our flesh can become weak. However, it depends on if you can hold tight and learn to say no because despite how hooked on somebody you truly are- you said your vows. You can't go back on them either and I'm happy that my husband has decided to push it all away and learn to work on us. We are important. Our children are important.

"How do you feel about where we are?" Tony asked me as I laid my head on his chest and got comfortable in bed.

"I'm happy...we've honestly came a long way. Most of the things that have turned left is simply because of me." I said as I played with his free hand.

"Don't say that. We all mess up sometimes, alright? One thing about us is- we know how to bounce back from the hurt that we've done to each other and correct it all. We said our vows and yes, we are gonna say them again. You have to understand that- I'm here. I'll forever be here- just work with me and stay faithful to me. Could you do that from here on out?" He asked me.

"Of course I can. It'll never happen again." I told him as I looked up at him.

"Gimme kiss." He said as he smiled at me. I smiled and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

Falling From The Floor. Shemar made me fall multiple times and I could say that I've definitely fallen very hard. However, we have our boundaries. Boundaries that will never be broken ever again.

Cai is growing up so fast and she is now becoming into a very beautiful young lady. She makes me proud every single day of my life and her painting skills are amazing. Those art classes are really paying off for my baby girl.

Next up, my baby boy- Ciyle. He is too handsome- just like his father. He's growing daily and he even said his first word- "Momma." You know that I went crazy when I heard my baby say that! Tony has been trying his best to teach his little man how to say "Daddy" but- seems as if Mommy is winning with the kid so far. I'm pretty sure that Ciyle is gonna be a Momma's boy because that boy wants to be glued to my hip everyday all day. I can't do anything with out him trying to be by my side. Tony and Cai- lord, the amount of Daddy Daughter plans they have? Makes me feel left out but I'm fine with it. Cai has always been a Daddy's girl- just how I was when my Father was alive. Honestly, I still am.

I'll say this- I'm so, so happy. It's what I've always wanted in my life. To be happy. Shemar moved back to California but I can always call him up when I need to talk. Everything is just at peace and in its right place. I've got some things rolling and Black Velvet Monday is even making its way back. I don't think that it could get any better than this....

Welcome to the end of "Falling From The Floor" 🦋

Honestly, it's kinda hard for me to complete my second book that I've created! Out of all of my books- this book is the one that has received the MOST reads, comments, and votes. I felt as if it were time to let this book go and create an ending. HOWEVER, don't worry- I have a surprise coming up soon. 😌 Thank you guys for reading this book and leave comments down below telling me what was YOUR favorite part in this book. Will there be a FFTF 2? Not sure yet.

Should I make a FFTF book n. 2?  Leave comments 💕


BTW- check out the FFTF song up at the top! 😍😍👏🏾 

#81chapters #completed on April 21, 2018

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