MAXIMOFF (taken)

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[pietro maximoff.]

taken by; me

Weight of the World


I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.

Atlas Sykes was once a happy child. That is until the accident. The accident in which left her legally blind in her right eye.

After becoming accustomed to her newfound disability, she struggles through until almost her twentieth birthday. She was captured by HYDRA. It was said that she had a special gene that allowed her to become their next big weapon.

A year passes and the Avengers make a move and attack the underground facility where Atlas was being held and experimented on.]


Lily James ** as Theia Atlas Sykes


-Anything that has an (**) can be changed in the story.

-You can just pm me for the rest of the story, such as plot twists and such that I think should be added.

-Most of my stories, this one included, will not have anything to do with Avengers: Infinity War, because that movie was utter bull shit and I refuse to speak of it.

-Theia is the Greek goddess of sight. And Atlas was the Greek Titan who held the world upon his shoulders, and he personified the quality of endurance.

-I know the synopsis thing is shit, but halfway through writing this, I decided to take it for myself, so🤷🏼‍♀️

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