PARKER (available)

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[peter parker.]

Starry Nights **


If you be my star, I'll be your sky.
Parker, that was really lame.

Asteria Dayholt was known for nothing. She was but a face in the crowd of many at Midtown High School and she liked it that way. She'd first hated the fact that she had to steal to keep her sick mother in the hospital and to pay the bills and to put food on the table. But a girl's gotta do whatta girls gotta do. When a chance mistake leaves her encased in solid rock for a full twenty-four hours and she comes out with seemingly impossible abilities, she realizes just how much easier it's made her life.

Peter Parker has been living in the shadows his whole life. It all changes though when he gets bit by a radioactive spider, turning him into Queens, New York's newest hero. Swinging through the streets is his new favorite past time as he battles out the city's worst and helps make Queens a safer place to stay. But when he happens upon a beautiful girl hiding behind a mask with awesome powers robbing a jewelry store, he can't help but be curious.

Asteria can't seem to recognize the fine line that is between being a villain and being a hero as she continuously finds herself being more of the latter. With the help of the friendly, new hero, Asteria starts to question her thieving ways. That is, until tragedy strikes, and she finds herself spiraling out of control.

Will a certain web-slinging hero help her out of the dark hole she's thrown herself into? Or will it be too late to risk any attempts at salvation? ]


Josefine Petterson ** as Asteria Dayholt

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Josefine Petterson ** as Asteria Dayholt


-Anything that has an (**) can be changed in the story.

-You can just pm me for the rest of the story, such as plot twists and such that I think should be added.

-Most of my stories, this one included, will not have anything to do with Avengers: Infinity War, because that movie was utter bull shit and I refuse to speak of it.

-I have a prologue written, if you want to check it out, but it doesn't necessarily have to be added to your book.

-This book has to have details that were included from the Marvel show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., with the terragenisis, and could take place during Spiderman: Homecoming if you want.

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