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A best friend is the one person who is significant in your life. They are the first person that comes to mind whenever you need someone. And no matter the situation, they will always be there for you. This one person is always with you and will never abandon you. They will try to make you the happiest when you're the saddest. Nothing ever comes between you and this person. Even though a best friend is hard to find, everyone has a chance to find one.

Taehyung huffs in annoyance as he read the article on the computer screen. It is late at night, and he should be asleep, but Taehyung keeps reading up on the term: best friends. He looks upset as he read each one, but by the last article, he is mad.

"There is no such thing as a best friend," he whispers to himself.

He shuts down his computer then turns out the lights in his room and lays in his bed. Taehyung places his arm over his eyes and begins to sob quietly. All his life, he never had one person to call him a best friend, and no one has called him theirs either. Outside of his family, to him, there is no one else who cares about him. No one cared if he disappeared from the world. It slowly kills him inside. No one understands his pain. All he wants is someone to rely on and trust.

Slowly removing the arm that covers his eyes, Taehyung's body becomes numb. He knows that crying doesn't help. The clock on his desk ticks by, and he doesn't care he isn't getting sleep for school tomorrow. Not even in school could he find someone to talk to. Of course, he knew a few people, but no one stuck by his long enough.

More hours pass and Taehyung is still not able to get any sleep. He becomes frustrated. Let me sleep forever, he thinks. As soon as the thought registers through his head, his phone lit up with a message. This is a surprise to Taehyung, seeing that no one ever messages him. No one even knows his phone number. Who could be sending him something at one in the morning? Nevertheless, Taehyung grabs his phone from his nightstand.

Confusion washes over Taehyung's face as he sees it is a random number, and they only sent a simple: Hey. There is no way Taehyung is going to send something back. It could be a joke after all. As soon he is going to throw his phone, another pops up.


Are you not going to pick up?
[1:20 AM]

Taehyung rolls his eyes. It seems like this stranger isn't going to leave without hearing a response.


Who is this?
[1:22 AM]


[1:23 AM]

The name doesn't bring up any memories in Taehyung's brain, meaning he doesn't know this person.


I think you have the wrong number.
[1:26 AM]


Isn't this Kim Taehyung???
[1:32 AM]


How did you get my number?
[1:34 AM]


Do you even know who I am?
[1:35 AM]


Sorry. Your name doesn't sound familiar.
[1:38 AM]


Oh my God. This kid-
[1:42 AM]


We were literally paired up yesterday with a school project! You didn't even know my name!
[1:46 AM]

As soon as Taehyung reads the message, everything seems to fall into place. It was English class. No one else wanted to be Taehyung's partner, but this one guy stood up and agreed to be his partner for the day. The only thing is, they didn't even say a single word to each other.


You don't remember me. I'm kind of hurt.
[1:52 AM]


You still haven't answered my question.
[1:54 AM]


How did you get my number? And why message me at one in the morning?
[1:56 AM]


We still have group work tomorrow. I wanted to know more about my partner.
[2:02 AM]


And for the one in the morning thing...well, I was bored.
[2:03 AM]


Go to sleep. And leave me alone.
[2:05 AM]

Taehyung has enough of the conversation, deciding to end it before it becomes any later.


You're no fun. But fine. :( See you tomorrow!

Taehyung turns off his phone, not even bothering to send a goodnight message. It is weird how this Jimin guy wants to get to know him. Even though they were just partners, it wasn't like they would talk after that. And even if this guy does, it probably won't be for a long time.

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