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When the end of the school day comes, Taehyung rushes to pack his things into his book bag and speed out of the classroom before anyone else. He dodges all the other students in the hallway, making his way to his locker. For once, he has someone to look forward to after school. He shouldn't be this excited to see someone he saw not even hours ago, but he can't help himself. Jimin is the first person to ask him to wait for him; it's something friends do, and that's what makes Taehyung excited. He feels wanted.

At his locker, Taehyung stalls for time, pretending to organize his books. He does this because he doesn't want to stand awkwardly there, so it's better that he keeps busy. However, when he fixes his books for what seems like the hundredth time, he senses something wrong. He closes the locker, then checks the hallways. Only a few students are left. Since Taehyung doesn't know Jimin's schedule, he doesn't know what floor he is on, or where he would be coming from. Taehyung's heart drops.

Could it be that Jimin forgot about him and left? Maybe Taehyung had his expectations too high. Of course, it is too good to be true that someone worried about him, and wanted to be his friend. To Taehyung, it's pathetic that he even feel for Jimin's tricks. Instead of feeling sorry for himself, Taehyung walks out of the school. It takes almost everything in him not to cry.

The day is still beautiful, but this time, Taehyung doesn't feel as relieved when the gentle breeze hits his face. He began to untangle his headphones, wanting to escape reality through his music. That's when someone running towards him catches his attention. It's Jimin.

Jimin stops right in front of Taehyung, a smile on his face. However, this smile is more apologetic. "I didn't forget!" he immediately says as if he can read Taehyung's upset look.

Taehyung shakes his head in response, trying to make it seem as if he isn't bothered.

"My friends tried dragging me away," Jimin proceeds to explain. "Since I'm too nice, I couldn't say no to them."

"You could've walked with them," Taehyung quietly says, trying to smile.

Jimin quickly shakes his head. "I already told you I would be walking home with you, and I want to be here instead."

Taehyung can't respond to Jimin. A simple nod is given and the boys begin walking in the opposite direction of the school. 

It's silent as they walk, giving Taehyung time to think. Is he supposed to bring up a topic to talk about? And if he is, what is it supposed to be? Taehyung isn't used to social situations where he needs to speak. Someone else would be speaking for him, or with him and all he had to do was listen and nod. Then again, this is Taehyung's first time someone is walking him home. It is probably polite to be the one to be grateful that this other person is walking him home. 

Taehyung looks at Jimin. He never realized that Jimin is so much shorter than him. Without warning, Jimin looks up at him and smiles. Is Taehyung blushing?

"Do you want to talk at the park for a while?" Jimin offers, pointing down the opposite direction of Taehyung's home.

Taehyung doesn't have an excuse to give to Jimin as to why he needs to be home. No one is waiting for him there anyway.

So he goes.

The two boys walk down the street and after a few blocks, a quiet neighborhood comes into view. The houses differ in sizes that are lined in rows like the bookshelves at a library. "This is the neighborhood I live in!" Jimin proclaims, breaking the quiet aura.

"Wow," Taehyung gasps.

Taehyung was oblivious to the fact that a beautiful neighborhood is on the other side of his neighborhood. Taehyung is used to seeing the dark, grimy neighborhood he has lived in for years. It's the only place he ever called home. Nowhere else has he visited. That is probably because he never came out of his house to explore what is around him. For many years he has been shut out to the world, and now he's exploring with almost a stranger next to him.

When they arrive at the park, they both take a seat at the empty swings. Dropping their bags at the side poles, they swing in silence until Jimin breaks the silence once again. Which Taehyung is thankful for.

"It's great to just sit around here," Jimin says, eyes closed and face pointing up to the skies.

Taehyung stares at him. He never noticed how cute Jimin actually is. "Do-Do you come here a lot?" Taehyung timidly asks.

Jimin swings slowly, feet dragging against the pavement. "I guess I do. I mostly come here when my family is giving me a rough time. My house is like a few houses down."

"Do you get along with your family?"

"Of course I do. But which family doesn't have their downs? Sometimes I can't stand them, and I can get ugly when I am angry so I come out here instead of yelling or something at them."

Taehyung nods. 

"What about you? How's you and your family?"

Taehyung stops swinging. "We're fine." He lies. Explaining to Jimin would simply drive him away.

"Just fine?" Jimin pushes on the conversation.

"Yeah," Taehyung says, forcing a smile on his face. "My family is boring." Another lie. Boring would be so much better for Taehyung than what he actually has to endure. It would at least mean that his family communicated in some shape or form.

Jimin believes Taehyung. "I wish I could say that. My family is too chaotic. But we love each other. So, to me, that's what matters."

Taehyung smiles. "You're right. I'm happy you can say that!"

Jimin smiles back. "You really should smile more, it does look good on you!"

"I'll try!" Taehyung tries to keep the same cheerful tone as before. He shouldn't be acting all depressed all the time. 

After a couple of minutes of the boys having small conversations, Jimin's phone begins to ring. "Oh, it's my mom." He answers quickly. "Hello...I'm with a friend...Want me to come home?"

Taehyung listens for a little bit more before turning away and makes him oblivious to the conversation. Must be nice that Jimin has people checking on him. Not once has Taehyung's phone goes off. His family simply expects him to be okay. He doesn't even know why they bought him one. The phone is barely touched during the day.

"Hey, sorry about that, my mom wants me to start heading home. Have to help with dinner." Jimin sighs, almost in annoyance, as he slips his phone back in his pocket.

"That's okay!"

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Jimin asks. He picks up his and Taehyung's book bag.

Taehyung thankfully accepts it. "No, you said you lived around here. It's okay."

"You sure?"

Taehyung nods, untangling his headphones, wanting to drown the soon-to-be silence already. "Yeah, my home is not far."

Before the two separate, Jimin surprises Taehyung by wrapping him into a tight embrace. It is uncalled for. No occasion. Yet, Jimin is holding Taehyung like he is about to disappear. "It's great hanging out with you!" And without letting Taehyung say anything, Jimin is running off in the opposite direction. Taehyung now alone in the park, can still feel the warmth of the smaller boy's body.

"Me too," he whispers to no one but himself.

wow, look at me updating again. :)
I'll try to write more soon!

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