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A week has passed since the day the two boys shared their time at the park. Taehyung finds Jimin in his personal bubble more than he expected. He couldn't complain though because if he does that, Taehyung knows it would be a lie. He likes that Jimin gives him something to look forward to every day. The two would walk the hallways together, occasionally share lunchtime together, fake bathroom breaks to talk to each other, and much more Taehyung could think about. Taehyung couldn't help but feel happy.

The pair sat in the neighborhood library going over some English homework that was assigned. They share from the same English book and sit close enough for their thighs to touch underneath the table. Neither of them is aware of this presence of pressure, as Taehyung is too focused on showing Jimin the correct answers for the assignment.

"Do you think you can pass this test?" Taehyung asks, scribbling some notes for Jimin to study from. He's also found more comfort in talking to JImin, which has helped the connection between the boys to spark a little bit more.

Jimin ruffles his hair in frustration, then places his pencil down. "Honestly, I don't know. It's not that I don't want to learn English, but it's difficult. And I can't handle difficult. My head is going to explode if I have to read any more English words! Why can't I just stay only knowing Korean? I'd be okay with that."

Taehyung only smiles, which he finds himself doing more. Jimin is the one to complain the most, it's something Taehyung has learned about him. "Don't worry. I'll be doing my best to make sure that you pass this class with at least a decent grade."

Jimin slaps his hands together, in praying formation, almost praising Taehyung. "Thank you!"

Time flies over their heads, and they are brought back to reality when the librarian comes over to inform them that the library will be closing soon. Politely leaving the area, they are shocked to see that the sun has gone down.

"I am so sorry for keeping you out all evening!" Jimin apologizes. "Will your parents be mad?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "No." Jimin still has no idea about his family life, and Taehyung is going to make sure that it stays that way until the time comes to explain.

"Uhm, would you like to join my family for dinner? It can be my way to say thank you for helping me study!" Jimin asks awkwardly.

Taehyung's heart is beating madly in his chest, not from excitement or happiness, but from fear and anxiety. Only once has he ever been invited to someone's house. Only. Once. It has to be one of the most traumatic events for him, as it has kept him from trying to go beyond his fear of socializing. He remembers how tight his chest was when he realized that he was an outcast in the old friend's house. He remembers how he was never invited back to the home or called a friend by that person because of the panic attack that occurred. The scene he had caused. It now plays in the back of Taehyung's mind as he stares at the boy in front of him, scared that the same is going to happen again.

"Taehyung, are you okay? You look a little pale." Jimin asks, placing a hand on Taehyung's arm, surprised to feel that he's cold.

Taehyung's eyes stare off in the distance. Worrying about scaring off people is what strain him from improving his friendships with anyone. The thing that Taehyung is refusing to understand is that Jimin is not like anyone else. He's been kind to Taehyung. Showing only the best sides of what friendship can hold, and what else there is to it. Inhaling a deep breath and then letting go, Taehyung calms from his fear and opens his emotions to Jimin.

"Sorry, it's just, I've never been to someone's house. Or at least had a good memory of it, everything I do seems to push people away. I don't want a repeat of that. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is for me. For once, I want something to turn out okay."

Jimin doesn't hesitate to answer his friend, and as he looks at Taehyung, there is a spark of genuine compassion. "It will be okay. As your new best friend, everything is going to be okay."

There it is. There's that word. Best friend. Jimin referred to Taehyung as his best friend. Something he hasn't heard in forever. "I-I'm your best friend?"

"Well, of course! Why wouldn't you be?"

Taehyung smiles. "Alright, I'll go over for today!"

Everything else leaves Jimin's mind as he smiles widely grabbing Taehyung's hands in excitement. "Really?!"

"Yeah, my parents won't mind."

"Then let's go! Dinner should almost be ready. I'll text my parents that you'll be coming over!"

Jimin's speech is rushed and laced with happiness as he explains to Taehyung about how much fun his family is when someone visits. He promises that he will feel right at home when they arrive and shouldn't worry. All Taehyung can do is believe the ecstatic boy who is babbling on as the world depended on his words. And they indeed matter to Taehyung's world as it now includes Jimin.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter :(

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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