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When Taehyung reaches the roof, he doesn't knock on the door quickly

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When Taehyung reaches the roof, he doesn't knock on the door quickly. While he knows students aren't allowed on the roof, many disobey this rule. Since Taehyung lives with a clean school record, he doesn't want to ruin it. What if Jimin isn't up here? This could be some type of prank to get him in trouble. Then again, Jimin wouldn't be that type of person, right? Taehyung is conflicted as many situations pop up in his head.

There's a big possibility he could get in trouble, but there is another possibility of Jimin being the one to open the door. He makes sure there is no one else around, then knocks on the door three times. In a matter of seconds, the door handle is wiggling on the other side.

"You came!" Jimin voice sounds when the door opens. Taehyung relaxes when he sees a bright-eyed Jimin in front of him. He's not able to greet him properly as Jimin's already pulling on his hand. "Hurry up, so no one will see us."

Taehyung is outside, and the weather is wonderful. Even though it is a little chilly, the wind against his face makes him feel refreshed. He can't help but smile. "That's cute," Jimin says, staring at Taehyung with a blissful look.

As usual, blush spreads across Taehyung's cheeks. "So-So, why are you up here by yourself?" he asks, turning the attention back to Jimin.

Again, without warning, Jimin walks up to Taehyung and grabs his hand. The boy drags him on to the wall where it separates the school and building. It provides the best shade for them. Taehyung also notices Jimin's food nicely prepared. "We will sit here and talk!" Jimin smiles.

"Oh, o-okay," Taehyung says, as they both sit down.

When they are comfortable, Jimin grabs his food and begins eating. Taehyung feels slightly awkward as he didn't prepare anything and has to wait in silence. Obviously, Jimin notices. "Did you eat already?"

"Uhm...no. I never eat lunch," Taehyung shyly answers.

There is a genuine concern on Jimin's face, and without any other words, he rips his sandwich in half, handing the piece to Taehyung. "Here. It's a ham sandwich. I know it's not much, but when you're with me, you're eating."

Taehyung has no time to decline the offer as Jimin is placing the food in his hands. Happiness. That is what Taehyung feels. He takes a bite of the shared half, then chews on it happily. For the first time, he's spending school lunchtime with someone.

"By the way, you haven't answered me," Taehyung begins after swallowing another piece of the sandwich. "Why are you up here?"

"Oh, right. Yoongi isn't at school today; we usually eat together up here," Jimin answers.

"Oh." It's a simple response, which Jimin is oblivious to the slightly underwhelming tone of Taehyung's voice. The happiness Taehyung is feeling disappears in a sudden rush. He knows that he shouldn't care, but somehow, he does. Obviously, the spot he is sitting at isn't for him; it's just temporary. Tomorrow, Taehyung will be back in the library, doing nothing but feeling sorry for himself.

Not long, the silence from Taehyung makes Jimin turn and look at him. He's still oblivious to the boy's feelings, yet the sadness on his face makes him pout. He pushes Taehyung gently, in turn bringing him out of the slump. "What was that for?"

"Smile," Jimin says, a pout still on his face. "Taehyung looks good when he smiles."

To Taehyung, Jimin's tone and sentence structure sounded like a kid's, so it's hard to hold back the smile crawling on his face.

"There we go!" Jimin ecstatically says, a wide smile on his face.

A few minutes before the lunch period ends, Jimin is cleaning his spot of food and placing the box into his book bag. "What class do you have next?" Jimin questions.

"I have math class," Taehyung responds.

Jimin slings his bookbag over his shoulder. "Okay!" he sings, then adds, "I will be walking to your class!"

Taehyung quickly gets up, already wanting to dismiss Jimin's offer. "You don't have-"

Before Taehyung can finish, the two boys hear the door handle jiggle. Panic rises in Taehyung's chest. All he can think of is some teacher finding them and taking them to the principal's office. On the other hand, Jimin is already pulling on Taehyung's hand, and hide behind the wall, opposite the door. In mid-panic attack, Taehyung has a hard time breathing. Something like this happened before. However, he never knows what to do.

Jimin is keeping calm for the other boy's sake.  If he starts to panic, it would only make the situation worse. Without letting go of Taehyung's hands, he checks around the corner. Thankfully it's only two students who came up to smoke. "Don't worry, we're fine," Jimin whispers, squeezing Taehyung's shaking hand.

However, Taehyung's attack doesn't seem to let up. His eyes are still closed, and his breathing is still rapid. Not many solutions come up in Jimin's brain, only one seems to be the best though. Taehyung is surprised when Jimin wraps his arms around him, while whispering, "Try to match your breathing with mine."

At first, Taehyung keeps his arms at his side, but after a while, when his breathing begins to soften, his arms automatically wrap around Jimin. He pays close attention to the way Jimin's heart beats gently against his chest, only make him relax more. The first time, someone has helped him calm down from a panic attack.

They both separate when they hear the school bell. "Are you okay?" Jimin asks, refusing to let go of Taehyung's hands.

Taehyung can only nod.

"Come on, let's go before you're late," Jimin says, picking up his, and Taehyung's book bag.

When they exit the roof, and into the hallways, Jimin keeps his hand wrapped around Taehyung. He doesn't mind. It's almost as if Jimin didn't want to lose him in the crowd of students. After telling the room number, Jimin drops Taehyung at his class.

"You'll be okay?"

Taehyung nods. "I'll be fine." He says it as strongly and firmly as he can.

"Wait for me after school, okay?"

The warning bell rings, letting the students know to rush to class.

"Don't forget," Jimin calls, then runs down the hall, not giving Taehyung time to answer.

Taehyung chuckles as he watches the boy fade into the crowd of rushing students. As thanks, he decides early to wait for him. And all the while in class, he can't help but feel excited to see Jimin again.

I'm soft uwu

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