2. Suicide Forest

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A few days later, I stepped off the bus. I was at the Suicide Forest. I was scared and nervous. This wasn't something normal people did.

"Hey, JJ!"

I looked to see the four guys walking towards me. I smiled and waved at them. I met them in the middle.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're gonna explore the forest," Brennen answered. "What about you?"

"I'm doing the same. Can I join you guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," Elton answered. "Let's go."

Elton started filming as we went into the forest. Crazy shit started almost immediately. We came across bones and later on, a noose. It was terrifying.

We got to the forbidden part and stepped in. My heart was beating really fast. This place was scary as fuck and I didn't even know why I came.

We were talking as we walked. I ended up next to Jay and we talked for a while. It was actually nice to talk to someone. I liked the conversations we had while we were in the forest. But it immediately got real when we got to the rope.

We eventually went in and found a goddamn tent. We couldn't see much since our flashlights were complete shit, but we saw a guy sitting in a chair. We tried yelling out to him, but he didn't answer. He was most likely dead or a really heavy sleeper.

As I looked around, I thought I saw something to the left. It looked like a woman hanging over the rocks, but I couldn't tell. It was too dark and my flashlight wasn't going far enough.

My heart felt like it was going to burst. This place wasn't a joke. We decided to finally leave. We followed the pink tape back to the forbidden path. Sometimes, we made it to the main path. We were still on edge, but we weren't as terrified. When we were walking, I was walking beside Jay in the back of the group.

"So, this was interesting," Jay said, unease in his voice.

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, it definitely was. I can't believe we actually did it."

"I can't believe you actually came, JJ. Were you just going to go in alone?" Jay asked.

"Well, yeah," I answered, shrugging. "I was just gonna to the entrance of the forbidden path, but I wasn't actually gonna go in. You guys are crazy for actually going in!"

"You're crazy for joining us!" Elton exclaimed.

I laughed. "I guess so, man."

As we got closer to the exit, Jay's hand brushed mine. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. We smiled at each other and looked away.

We exited the forest and Elton filmed the ending of his video. I hitched a ride with the guys and ended up being squished between Brennen and Jay.

About a ten minutes in, I rested on Jay's shoulder, yawning. Jay shifted so he could wrap an arm around me. The others noticed and started to poke fun at us, but we just laughed it off.

I fell asleep a few minutes later. I didn't try anything. I was awoken later on by Jay. We were at the hotel.

I sighed and climbed out after Jay. As we walked in, Jay grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. I held on tightly as we walked to the elevator. We let go before we stepped in.

The ride up was mostly quiet, for we were all tired and had nothing to say. I departed from the guys, wishing to stay but had nothing to say. Especially to Jay.

I sat on my hotel bed. I didn't know what to think about Jay. He seemed very nice and kind. Our conversations flowed from topic to topic and there weren't any awkward pauses. We seemed to have a connection.

But it could've nothing. He could've just been nice to me. I was just some girl from New Zealand and he was just some guy from America. We were an entire ocean apart. He could've had a girlfriend. I wasn't that pretty and there were prettier women out there. There were probably a million pretty woman in California alone.

I sighed and flopped back on the bed. This is why I didn't get that involved with someone. It got too complicated. It would get more complicated with someone like Jay. He lived across a goddamn ocean.

I sat up and got undressed before climbing in bed. I fell asleep uneasily, the feeling of the forest clinging to my thoughts.

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