Chapter 2

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"Good job Ion. Maybe lunge a bit more to the left when using the longer staffs though." Ion is one the new recruits I'm training. To be honest I think that most of the new recruits are pretty skilled and don't really need more training. I bet this is some plot by Finn and General Leia to get me outside of my compartment to do stuff. It's boring and clearly not needed but it gives me something to do besides stay in my compartment all day. So far, I think I'm doing a pretty good job training the new recruits; then again, most of them don't need much training. Ion, my latest student seems to be pretty skilled with a gun, and confident enough with a staff. "Fifteen minute break!" I call out as I grab a towel and wipe my forehead. Ion and the other new recruits hurry over to the water fountains.

All of a sudden, a sweet voice says "Hi Rey."

I turn around and find a pretty Asian looking petite girl. Rose

Almost as if she's read my thoughts, she quickly introduces herself, "I'm Rose. It's really cool to finally meet you in person!" She then smiles and extends out her hand. I shake it and manage a sort of small grin back. She seems so sweet and innocent, like a baby porg or something. But nobody's that innocent. Not Ben.

Not Luke.

Most certainly not me...I think...I'm not really sure.

"Rey?", Rose's sweet voice interrupts my reminiscing.

"Huh? I uh..." I trail off. Still seven minutes until the break is over. This is getting awkward.

"So, um," Rose pauses and looks around to make sure that no one is eavesdropping before continuing, "Is Finn single?"

I drop my towel in surprise. "Uhhhh, as far as I know he is...?" It comes out much more like a question then I would've liked.

Rose sighs. Suddenly, it dawns on me. " like Finn." Great. I'm pretty sure I said it like it's a statement instead of question which it is. Sort of.

Rose just sighs again, "Yes. It's just...I don't know if he feels the same way."

I desperately check the timer. Two more minutes until the break is over. God, this is so awkward. Back on Jakku nobody had ever talked to me about liking someone. Rose looks kind of sad.

"What do you mean he doesn't feel this same way? I mean, you guys are always hanging out." The timer beeps. "I...I gotta go." Then, I rush off to explain to Ion the proper use of a throwing spear.

A few hours later I retire to my compartment feeling extremely tired. I'm about ready to crash onto my bed when I see him. He's in some sort of living room, sitting on a black sofa.

"Rey." He scowls.

"Ben." I glare.

His voice sounds strained, "My name is not Ben."

I give him a dirty look in response.

"What the hell is going on anyway?" He asks sounding half confused and half frustrated.

I frown, "I don't know. Why the heck are you here?"

His deep voice echoes across my compartment, "I could as you the same question."

"I...I...get out of my head!!!!" I scream

He snorts, "I would if I could."

Silence follows.

"So where are you?" He wonders out loud. He must be stupid if he thinks I'm going to admit that to him.

"None of your business Monster."

"So I'm a monster now?"

"Yes." I reply tartly

He sighs, "I suppose that some things never change, scavenger." Then, just as soon as he came, he disappears.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I yell in fury. I feel like breaking something. Wait. When I'm mad I don't usually like to break things. Breaking things when your mad isn't really a rational thing to do. Actually, it seems more like something an almost 30 year old man child would other word, him. But I'm not him. I am not a monster, yet somehow in some sense to him, I am. If you look at things from his point of view I seem like an unempathetic girl who is just like his uncle; his uncle that tried to kill him.

Nothing, A Reylo Fanfic [On Hold]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora