What If It's Us?

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Evan unlocked his front door and held it for Zoe. "Thanks." She smiled. They sat down on his couch. "S-so. I never got to ask you. How was graduation?" Evan asked. "Uh, good." Zoe says. They sit in silence for a couple minutes. Evan was about to apologize for it, but he stopped himself. Why was he being so awkward? Oh, because he still loved her. But right now they were just... two friends on a... perfect day. 

Zoe turned to him. "So where uh... do you plan on transferring to in the fall?" Evan had been in deep in his thoughts. "Oh! Sor- I was planning on going to the University of Maine. Si-since it's close." Evan says shyly. "That's cool." Zoe says. "Hey, do you want to go for a coffee?" She asks. "S-sure." Evan nods.

The two arrived at a coffee place in town, and coincidentally Jared was there. Evan recognized the back of his head and tried with all he had to avoid him. Not that he was ashamed of Zoe (if anything she should be ashamed of him), it's just that Jared didn't seem okay with their friendship. They got their coffee and sat down. "So, I'm curious. What's it like working at Pottery Barn?" Zoe asks. "O-oh. It's cool, if you like selling overpriced decor." He laughs. Zoe laughs too. "You know, when I first talked to you, you were so awkward. But look at you now. You've really blossomed since that first day of senior year." She tells him. Evan smiles shyly. 

Jared got up and Evan was relieved. He started to go toward them, a chill ran up Evan's spine. He walked past and over to the trash can. Thank God, Evan thought. Jared threw away his cup and passed them again. He flashed Evan a smile. Zoe noticed Evan practically sinking in his seat. "You okay?" Evan looks back at her. "Y-yeah. Fine." Jared leaves. 

Evan felt horrible for what he said to Jared. But he felt even worst for what he did to Zoe and her family. Imagine what Connor would say. He probably would push him again, just like the first day of school, and talk about how sad it was. But right now he wanted to focus on Zoe now. Like she had said a year ago, he wants it to be only them. They would worry about everyone else later. For now-if not forever- he wanted the world to fall away.


Sorry it took so long. I had a severe case of writers block. School has been demanding. While writing this I decided to go back and name the chapters by using lyrics or lines from the show. I hope you enjoy the stories and appreciate the time put into naming the chapters. Also, I am aware that I might be one of the few people in the DEH fandom that ships Zoevan instead of Treebros, who cares, I love these two, Treebros can't happen anyways. Thanks for the support you guys, it really means a lot. Bye!

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