A Son Like You

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"I'm home!" Heidi calls. Evan sat alone in his room. "Evan?" She opened his door. "Evan, are you okay?" Evan doesn't face her. "I-I'm fine." He squeaks. "Did you eat?" She asks. "Yeah." He says. "Okay." Heidi leaves him. Evan opens his laptop and rereads what he wrote. He looks at his left arm. He felt pathetic, he fell out of a tree. Jared thought it was pathetic, even Connor thought so. Evan puts on his pajamas and climbs into bed.

He jumped when he had a text notification. 

Zoe: I had fun today :)

Evan: Yeah, me too. 

Zoe: My dad told me to say hi.

Evan almost dropped his phone. Her dad? Larry Murphy? This couldn't be real. Did Mr. Murphy actually acknowledge him in a positive way? No way.

Evan: Tell him I said hi back.

The next morning, he was eating breakfast when he got a call. The contact read: Zoe. "Hi." She said when he answered. "H-hi." He studders. "So, my dad wanted to see if you wanted to come over to our house." Evan choked on his milk. "Yo-your dad?" He wipes his mouth. "Yeah, so... yes?" Evan could feel her smile through the phone. "S-sure." He answered. "Cool. I'll tell him."

After he eats, he goes to get ready, putting on a nice shirt and khakis. He pulled up at the Murphy's, prepared to be ambushed by Mr and Mrs Murphy about his lies. He knock on the door, hoping they would see him and lock everything. 

But instead, Mr. Murphy opened the door. "Hi, Evan." He said without any emotion, not mad, not happy, not anything. "Hi, Mr. Murphy."  Evan looked him in the eyes, afraid of being rude. "Come on in." Mr. Murphy stepped aside, letting him pass. Zoe was sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hi." She pats the spot next to her, telling him to sit there. 

When he sat down, he jumped when he saw Mrs. Murphy sitting across them. "W-what's going on?" Evan asks Zoe. "Evan, we thought since it seems you've come back into our lives, that we should talk." Mr Murphy sits next to his wife. "About what?" Evan wanted to get out of there. He knew they wanted to finally yell at him for what he did. "Yes, what you did was wrong. But you did save our family. We also realized what this must feel like for you." Mr Murphy explains. "Oh." Evan said. "Also we realize that you and Zoe seem to be growing closer again..." Mrs Murphy says to Evan but looks at Zoe. "Mom." Zoe whines under her breath. 

"What does this mean?" Evan looked between the three. "It means that we have forgiven you. And... if something happens between you and Zoe, we're okay with it." Mr Murphy says. 

After the chat Zoe offered to go with Evan to his house. "S-sure." Evan answered. The drive home was pretty quiet besides Zoe's occasional humming. When they pulled into the drive way, Zoe's humming immediately halted. Heidi was sitting on the couch when they came in. "Oh! Hi, Zoe right?" Heidi seemed slightly upset by her being here, but hid it in order to be polite. "That's right." Zoe smiled the smile that made Evan's heart melt. 

"Hey, Evan. There was something in my room I really need to show you." Heidi lied. "O-okay." Evan nodded, knowing she was lying, but not wanting to be rude in front of Zoe. 

"Evan why is she here?" Heidi asked once the door was closed. "What?" He knew that his mom was't a huge fan of Zoe, since Zoe started the whole college fund issue last year. "I thought you were done with that family, you did give them false information about their son." Heidi kept her voice quiet but stern. "They forgave me." Evan was quiet, but not to keep it between them. "Yeah, that still doesn't explain why that girl is back in this house." Heidi said sternly. "She wanted to come. I don't see why she's a problem." Evan defended."It's fine. Go on." Heidi let him leave but stayed behind. 

"My dad says to 'take good care of me' whatever that's supposed to mean." Zoe says when Evan comes back in. "That's funny." Evan awkwardly laughs. "I know my dad makes you nervous, but he really is okay with you being back." Zoe says supportively. Evan almost jumped when she said "back" but stayed cool. "I've missed talking to you." Zoe smiles. "M-me too." Evan shyly smiles back. They both went in for a kiss, neither pulling away. It was sweet and soft, just how Evan remembered them to be. 

As they were kissing, Zoe's phone lit up with a call. "Oh! It's my dad." Zoe pulled away, quickly taking it. "...Yeah, he's here... Okay, I'll put him on." Zoe says into the phone. She hands it to him. "Hello?" He says. "Hi, Evan. I know that something is happening with you and Zoe. And I know that I scare you. But, you honestly have felt like a son to me, despite what happened. So, know that, whatever happens... I'm okay with it." Evan could hear the smile Mr Murphy most likely had. "Okay." Evan says, though it seemed like little, that was all Mr Murphy seemed to need, since he hung up. Evan hands Zoe her phone. 

After many hours of laughing and joking, Zoe rose to leave. "It's been fun, but I think I should be going." Zoe had her usual sweet smile. "I'll drive you." Evan offered. "No, I live pretty close." Zoe hugged him and walked out.

Evan was overwhelmed with happiness. He glanced at his computer. Without hesitation, he opened it and wrote a new letter:

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today was a good day. The Murphys forgave you, even Mr. Murphy. If only Connor could. Mom wasn't too happy about Zoe being at the house. You got a kiss, which was... incredible. Maybe this could become a relationship, maybe I didn't completely blow it.

Sincerely, your best and maybe not your only friend,



Hi, guys! Sorry this took so long. My ideas were clogged from school. Hope this was worth it, I really loved writing it. Bye!

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