Only Us

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1 Year Later

Evan paced around his room. Today was his wedding and he couldn't be more anxious. Jared walked over to him. "Calm down." He laughed. "I'm calm." Evan lied. "Still lying I see." Jared joked. Evan gave him a look and Jared smiled. "Kidding."

Jenna walked in, dressed in her navy best man dress. "Ev, you'll be fine." She assured him. "I know." Evan smiled. "We have to go but we'll see you." Jenna said as she took Jared out of the room.

When it was time, Evan walked down a hall until he were inside the church. Evan stood next to the minister.

Then, the music started. Heidi walked down with Jenna and Cynthia with Jared. Zoe's bridesmaids came down next. Jenna stood to Evan's left and Jared to Jenna's left. Then everyone stood and Zoe and Larry started to walk down the isle. Zoe looked beautiful in her wedding dress. Evan smiled as she came down.

Larry kissed her on the cheek and sat beside Cynthia. Zoe turned to face him.

"Welcome, and thank you all for joining us for this joyous occasion. Together, we are gathered here to witness a truly special ceremony: the union of Evan and Zoe." The minister began. "Today we celebrate the power of your love and the strength of your bond. Before we begin, take a moment to look around at the many friendly faces before you. Know that all are here to offer love, support, and encouragement as you embark on this incredible journey together." He continued. "May this ceremony provide you with wonderful memories to look back on and treasure for the rest of your days." He stopped.

"Now if anyone has cause to object to the forming of this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." Everyone looked around but said nothing. Evan was hoping this would happen but he didn't know anyone that had a reason to object.

The minister continued talking then he said, "I will now invite the Bride and Groom to exchange their vows."

Zoe smiled. Her maid-of-honor, Jess, handed her a neatly folded piece of paper. "Evan, in all the years I've known you, you've been a kind and loving person. Sure we had our fair share of arguments, but every couple does. I'm excited to share my life with you. As your companion, your partner, and your best friend, I promise to stay by your side through thick and thin. I love you with all my heart, and I plan to remind you of that every day, from this day forward." She folded up the paper and gave it back to Jess. Evan was trying his best not to cry. He still regretted everything he did to Zoe and her parents.

"Evan, whenever you're ready." The minister said, interrupting his thoughts. Jenna gave him his vows.

"Zoe," Evan started. "From the moment I met you, I was in love with you. What began as a teenage crush grew into a deep love. I hope our love can grow everyday. I promise to love, to cherish, and to stand by your side through everything. I promise to support your every decision and every passion. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our life, it will be you and me. It'll be us, and only us." He barely got through it, but he did.

"Evan and Zoe, you will now hold hands." The minister asked. They nodded and took hands. "Evan, do you take Zoe as your wife and your companion? Do you promise to share her laughter during the good times and wipe her tears during the bad, from this day forward?" He asked. Evan nodded. "I do." He smiled at Zoe. "And Zoe, do you take Evan as your husband and companion? Do you promise to share him laughter during the good times and wipe his tears during the bad, from this day forward?" Zoe nodded. "I do."

Soon it was time to exchange rings. The ring bearer gave Zoe her ring. Both Zoe and Evan exchanged ring, repeated what the minister said.

"Family and friends, by the power vested in me the state of Maine, I now formally pronounce Evan and Zoe to be husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The minister smiled. Evan grinned at Zoe and kissed her. "Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Evan and Zoe Hansen!" The minister said once they had pulled away.

Evan and Zoe walked out and got into the car to go to the reception.

2 Hours Later

"And now... introducing Mr. and Mrs. Evan and Zoe Hansen!" The DJ announced. Evan and Zoe sat down at the table. Jared was sitting with Jenna and his date, Sabrina. "Hi Evan!" She said as they sat down. "Hey Sabrina. I haven't seen you since high school." He said. Jenna smiled. "So you all went to school together?" She asked. Evan nodded.

After eating, Zoe and Larry were called to the dance floor for the last dance. Evan watched them slowly sway to the music. Then it was him and Heidi's turn. "I'm so proud of you." Heidi whispered. "Thanks Mom." He smiled. The floor was then taken by Zoe and Evan. "This is so beautiful." Zoe said. "I know." Evan said. "So since when is Jared dating Sabrina Patel?" Zoe asked. "A couple months. It's weird. I didn't even know they were friends." Evan said. "Yeah. Me either. She might know him from the Connor Project." She said. "Yeah." Evan sighed.

After the song ended they sat down and ate. Then when it was time for cake cutting, they stood and cut the cake. Zoe took a piece to "eat" but shoved it in his face. Evan was taken aback. "Woah." Evan laughed.

For the rest of the night, they danced and laughed. Then it came time to go home. Everyone had lined up outside as they left. One they got in the car, they could relax. "That was exhausting." Zoe said. "I know." Evan replied, taking his shoes off. "I can't wait to sleep." Zoe sighed. "Same here."

Once they got to the hotel, the first thing the couple did was change. They got into bed and passed out.

Evan woke up to the smell of coffee. Zoe was sitting at the small table. "Morning." Zoe said. "Morning." Evan said back as he made a cup of coffee. He sat beside his wife, happy.

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