Chapter eight: the escape &the Chemical bath part one

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(At the Asylum at night)
(Faith p.o.v.)
We had just reached the asylum with the Machine gun for the joker so he can join us in on the fun. Wile me and Nikki were beating the crap out of the guards. And having Harley lead the way to him the alarm was going off meaning that even more fun will being. We had just made it to his cell Nikki had kicked the door in we went right in the room and Harley had handed him the gun. Hey Puddin you missed me? Nikki asked as she then gave him a kiss on the lips he had such an surprise look on his face.
(Joker p.o.v.)
I was just laying on my so called bed when I heard the alarm go off then a few minutes later my door was broken down. And in came Nikki, Harley and some girl I had never seen before had just walked in. Harley had handed me the case that had the Machine gun in it. Missed me Puddin. Nikki said as she kisses me on the lips. Of course I missed you kitten but who's your little friend princess? I asked before Nikki could answer me the girl beat her to it. Hi I'm Faith Buf's & Nik's best friend form Sunnydale. The girl that's now known as Faith said. Great now that we all know each other can we get a move on before we're all captured please and thank you. Harley snapped at us. Right let's go get the hell out of here. Nikki said. Right behind you N. Faith said as both of the girls left once they were gone I opened up the case took out the gun and followed them out into the hallway. But when I had entered the hallway What I had saw had surprised me I see my beautiful princess and her friend kick some serious ass. It was incredible I didn't think anyone not to mention two women be able. Be that storing or that good at fighting especially in sync with one another like this two are. It was the most amazing 😉 thing I had ever seen well as amazing as it is it's time for me to join in on the fun and that's just what I did. Once we were done and we were out of there we went our separate ways but not before I had kissed Nikki goodbye.
(The next day still joker p.o.v.)
I had just called my princess to meet me at ace chemicals she had asked me if she could bring a friend. And when we were to meet I said that she could bring a friend. And it'll be around eight or nine ish but first I wanted to take her out for lunch & that. I would be picking her up at 12:30 -1:00 & to be ready. She said ok she would be.
(Nikki p.o.v.)
I had just got done with taking to jay that he wanted to take me out for lunch then he is going to be meeting me & Harley at ace chemicals. I had just got done with a shower & my hair & make up now I'm putting on my dress after I'm done I hear the door bell go off. So I head downstairs to open the door and when I do I see it's just jay & I swear his jaw just hit the floor. I guess by the reaction I just received you liked the outfit that I had picked out. For our date is fine? I asked with a smile on my face.
(Joker p.o.v.)
I had just reached her house I must Amit it's a very nice house.

So I went up & rang the door bell a few minutes later the door open I swear that my jaw had hit the floor

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So I went up & rang the door bell a few minutes later the door open I swear that my jaw had hit the floor. There was Nikki looking gorgeous in that dress.
(The red & black one but with out the gloves and the weapons obviously)

I guess by the reaction I just received you like the outfit that I had picked out

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I guess by the reaction I just received you like the outfit that I had picked out. For our date is fine? She asked me with a smile on her face. You look absolutely stunning princess. I said as I offered her my arm for her to take witch she did once we were both in the car we took off to the restaurant that I had picked out for our lunch date. Witch happens to be the Olive Garden.

Wow! She said I just smirked as we walk in & over to our table

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Wow! She said I just smirked as we walk in & over to our table.

Wow! She said I just smirked as we walk in & over to our table

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After we had our lunch and I had taken her home. Wow I had I amazing time thank you. She said well princess the day not over just yet but I'm glad that you're having a great time so far. Don't forget that tonight that you and your friend is going to be meeting me at the chemicals. I said. Yeah of course see you tonight. She said then she kissed me and I of course kissed her back after our little make out she went into her house.
(Later that night at ace Chemicals)
(Nikki p.o.v.)
Me and Harley had just arrived at the chemical lab and meet the Joker up at the top.

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