Chapter fourteen: welcome my baby girl

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(A/n. I am very disappointed that no one has voted for this story but I am happy to see that some people have at least read this story but please vote for this story please and thank you!)
(Nikki p.o.v.)
I'am now six months pregnant Jay has kidnaped a doctor to help me with my pregnancy and so far she's been doing quite well. Jay was quite happy when he heard that we're going to have a little girl or as he puts it a little princess. Harley can't wait for her little niece my sisters can't wait ether they both were quite pleased. To hear that I was pregnant Faith and all our other friends as well speaking of Faith she comes over to ether help or just to see how I am doing. I am so glad that I have been blessed not only to have such great friends, two terrific sisters  and a wonderful husband. But now I am blessed with a daughter on the way life can't get any better than they already are. Oh though Jay,his men, Harley and Faith all have been working on something but won't tell they said it's a surprise right now I'm just sitting on the couch just watching movie. Hey love how my to favorite girls?Jay asked as he sits next to me then he pulls me on his lap. So what are you watching? He asked. We're fine as to your first question as to your second question I am watching beauty and the beast with Emma Watson. I said as he kisses my neck then on top of my head all the wile was rubbing my belly in soothing circles but then he stopped when he felt the baby kicked. You felt the baby kick didn't you? I asked yeah that was some powerful kick. He said with a smile. Yeah she's a fighter alright gee I wonder were she got that from. I said teasingly. I believe she gets it from you you're the slayer after all not me. He teased back. Oh really well I believe she gets from the both of us. I said Well I believe you're quite right. He said then he pecked me on the lips then we went back to watching the movie together then Harley joined us in watching the movie as well.
(Three mouths later)
(Joker p.o.v.)
Nikki is now nine months into her pregnancy so that means that the baby can come any day now we hope she'll come soon we can't wait to see our little princess. Right now we're in bed get some sleep when I wake up do to Nikki shaking me and some wetness I look over at Nikki only to see her holding her belly in pain. Jay the baby is coming now! She yelled that makes me get out of bed pick her up and bring her to the delivery room wile on our way I yell for Johnny to go and get the doctor as well as Harley. And to call Faith and the  summers sisters once both Harley and the doctor got here they began.
(Time skip to when the baby is already born still Joker p.o.v.)
We just had our beautiful baby girl she has my eye color but other then that she looks just like her mother with her blonde hair. So what are you going to name her? Harley asked. Her name is going to be  Callisto "summers". Nikki said. I know Nikki wants to give our daughter my last name and probably did but didn't say it wile the doctor was still here. Callisto? As in from that tv show Xena the warrior princess? Harley asked.  yup the one and the same my little Callisto. Nikki said once the doctor and Harley had left I went over to Nikki and Callisto as I looked at her with love I vow to protect her and her mother even though I know that Nikki could very well protect them both if need to. Nikki? I asked hmm she said letting me know that she's listening. What's her full name? I asked. Oh it's Callisto Marie Napier I just used my last name when that doctor was here or when she's out in public. Hey do want to hold her? She asked yeah sure I would love to. I said Nikki then handed me our daughter as I was holding her I started to rock her to sleep. Hey there my little princess I'm your daddy and I'm always going to protect. You and your mommy from all that can harm you two any one that even dare to try I'll kill them. I said as I watched them both sleep I then walked over to the char that was in here and sat down in it then try to get some sleep my self.

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