Chapter 3

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( Kiara's point of view )

I was sitting down next to (y/n) in world history and she looks so calm knowing her soon to be husband was laughing with some other girl.

( Kiara )

How can you be so calm knowing your man was laughing with some other girl?


Look I just trust tae ok there just friends please if i'm not worried neither should you be ok?


ok i'll let it go


What about you and jungkook?


What do you mean?


Well ya were barely talking at lunch


Well he kinda tried to kiss me yesterday and I kinda pushed him away




Because I wasn't in the mood


I'm not trying to be mean but if you wasn't ready and was gonna act like this ya shouldn't have done it


( y/n point of view )

Class ended and I was at my locker getting my things I needed so I could go home when I was done I saw tae with the same girl by the door talking/laughing honestly I was kinda getting jealous cause I haven't talked to him all day so I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said hey.


( Gives kiss on the cheek ) Hey!

( Tae )

Hey babe!

( y/n )

( Looks to my right at the girl ) Who's this? ( Smiles )

( Tae )

This is summer she just transferred here from south Korea I was just filling her in and showing her around today that's why I didn't come to lunch sorry about that by the way


It's fine and hi summer my name is ( y/n ) and it's nice to meet you what part of south Korea are you from?

( Summer )

Um Daegu

( y/n )

Cool our friend is from there well i'm sorry to do this but we got to go it was really nice to meet you tho bye !

( Summer )

Bye !

( Tae )


Me and tae walk to the car and tae drives us home as we were driving I noticed we wasn't heading in the direction to where we live.

( y/n )

Where are we going?

( Tae )

It's a surprise :)

We drive for awhile and I end up falling asleep

( Tae )

Bae wake up

I slowly wake up and when I open my eyes I see the sun setting we get out the car and I see we are at the beach

( y/n )

Why are we here?

( Tae )

Well I didn't see you all day and I want us to spend time together

He reached out his hand and I grabbed it we both walk to the middle of the beach and we sit down he opens his legs and I sit between them and lay my head on his chest and we both sit there watching the sunset and I fill him in on how my day went and he told me his day and we shared some laughs and smiles and we held each others hands the whole time.

( Tae )

I'm hungry wanna get something eat?

( y/n )

Sure what you in the mood for?

( Tae )

Hmm how about some pizza

( y/n )


He gets up then helps me up we walk to the car and he opens the door for me then closes it then he runs around to his side and comes in he starts the car up then drives to our area to a pizza place we decide to take the pizza to go cause we was really tired and exhausted we order half pineapple and half pepperoni pizza with a soda and go home.We finally arrive at the house and head inside we both decide to take a shower before we eat I let him go first since he's been driving all day and I know he's tired then when he comes out I jump in and take a good shower when i'm done I get dressed in pj's and make my way down stairs to eat I see tae sitting on the couch with the pizza,soda,and cups.I sit next to him and we finally eat after what felt like forever we finished eating and we are so tired we decide to go to bed since we have school in the morning we lay down on the bed and he wraps his arms around me and we lay their together before we drift to sleep he gives me a kiss on my forehead and say's good night.

( Tae )

Goodnight love you

( y/n )

Goodnight love you to

( A/n )

So i'm sorry I've been taking forever I've been busy with homework and I've also been really lazy but i'm not gonna tell you when i'll be posting again cause i'll say it and wont post it that day so i'll post when ever I can and I hope you guys enjoy the story so far.

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