Chapter 8

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( Kiara point of view )

What the hell?!

( Y/n ) 

Is that!

( Jelly ) 

Wow,Chen, and Jun!

Jelly said it pretty loud and they heard her and looked at our direction we turned around and tried to hide.

( Kiara ) 

Nice going pabo!

( Jelly ) 

Sorry I didn't mean to say it that loud!

Just then we felt 2 taps on our back and when we looked back it was Wow,Chen and Jun we smiled awkwardly and said hey....there were so surprised they gave us a hug out of nowhere.

( Jungkook point of view ) 

We were waiting for the girls to come back but they were taking forever so we decided to take a seat again and wait Tae said something and we started to laugh until I stopped and I saw three guys hugging y/n, Kiara, and Jelly Suga and Tae noticed me starring at something and when they looked their smiles slipped away and we just watched until we got angry and the three of us got up and walked to them.

( Jungkook ) 

Hey babe 

She looked at me and smiled.

( Kiara ) 


She looked kinda nervous and kept looking at me and then back at some other guy. 

( Jungkook ) 

Ya ready to leave?

She looked at me and said yeah come on she grabbed both Jelly and Y/n and we all left out the restaurant we went back to Tae and Y/n's house to hangout and sleepover cause it was late and the girls wanted to have a sleepover when we got their the girls ran to Y/n's room and quickly closed the door then a second later it opened and they ran to us and gave us a kiss a really long kiss then said they love us and then went back into the room and closed the door we just laughed and sat down in the living room and watched some tv while drinking beer.

( Jelly point of view ) 

( Jelly ) 

So what the fuck just happened back there cause I know the guys were obviously mad 

( Y/n ) 

Especially Jungkook 

( Kiara ) 

I know but it was Jelly fault for shouting their names like that 

( Jelly ) 

I'm sorry it just came out loud I didn't mean for it to come out like that honestly 

( Y/n ) 

We didn't even talk to them we just stood their 

( Kiara ) 

It was so weird 

( Hours Later ) 

( Y/n point of view ) 

We were all yawning and really tired and was ready for bed.

( Kiara ) 

I want to fall asleep with Jungkook next to me 

( Y/n ) 

I want to fall asleep in Taes arms 

( Jelly ) 

I want to fall asleep 

We all three looked at each other than back at each than we just laughed then we made a plan so the boys would want to go to bed but we then decided not to stick with it and just go to them and force them to come to bed. The three of us got up and peeked out the door we saw they were watching a movie and were really into it which we walked out a little and saw that they were watching " Fifty Shades Darker " we burst out laughing which scared them and caused them to look at us in a weird way.

( Y/n ) 

What are three boys doing basically watching kinda a chick flick?

( Jungkook ) 

It gets us horny 

They all laughed and we just looked at them like really we then cracked a smile and shook our heads we decided to watch the movie with them so thats exactly what we did I walked to Tae and sat beside him while leaning my head on his chest and putting my legs over his lap he put his arms around me and kissed my forehead and we stood their snuggling as we all watched the movie.

( Taehyung point of view ) 

When the movie was over I looked at everyone and noticed they were all asleep including ( Y/n ) so I decided to carry her to our room and lay her down on the bed and then go to sleep.

( Next Morning Sunday ) 

I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock to see what time it was it was 10:30 am I looked to my side to see (Y/n) still sleeping I didn't want to wake her up because she looked so peaceful so I decided to get up and make everyone breakfast. When I was making breakfast everybody one by one started waking up except ( Y/n ) when I was finished everyone was eating so I decided to wake ( Y/n ) up I walked into our room and sat at the edge of our bed and learned forward to give her a kiss on her forehead and whisper wake up sleepy head she opened her eyes slowly and put a smile on her face she got up and we all ate breakfast we decided to take Suga and Jelly out so they can look around and see New York. We took them to the love park and to the pier and also to the stores to get some stuff and sooner or later the girls ended up shopping for them selves while me,Suga, and Jungkook ended up sitting in the food court eating little snacks here and there cause we were hungry and wanted to leave and eat actual food. When the girls finally finished we left to eat some actual food and then we all said our goodbyes to Kiara and Jungkook and we went home when we got their Jelly and Suga told us thay they weren't going back to Cali and they were staying in New York with us and started going to school with us tomorrow we were so excited and happy but sadly it was late and we needed to go to bed so we wouldn't be tired in the morning.

I'm Fine ( Save Me ) Book 2 Ff Kim Taehyung ( Complete )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora