Chapter 4

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( Tae point of view )

I was in 3rd period talking with my friends and laughing and bell rang, I went to my locker to put my stuff away when I was done I went to the lunch room so that I could meet up with ( y/n ) , jungkook , and kiara me and jungkook was at the table waiting for (y/n) and kiara to come back from getting their lunch.

( Tae )

So what's been going on with you?

( jungkook )

Well me and kiara are finally talking 

( Tae )

Finally did you bring it up or did she?

( jungkook ) 

She did actually I was surprised maybe ( y/n ) talked to her 

( Tae )

( Laughs ) that's my girl 

( y/n point of view )

I was getting my lunch with kiara and as we were in line we had a small talk.

( Kiara )

So I made up with jungkook and we are finally talking 

( y/n )

YAY finally see the thing I said to you helped 

( Kiara )

It did I feel way better 

( y/n ) 

Did ya do it again or no 

( Kiara ) 

No we just talked about it and nothing was done we just fell asleep 

( y/n )

That's good very good 

We walked to that table and saw jungkook and tae laughing.

( y/n )

What's so funny?

Tae and jungkook looked at each other then looked at us and said nothing me and kiara looked at each other then back at them and we both said okay...we both took our seat and we just ate we were all sitting at the table eating when tae took one of my fries.

( y/n )

Hey! next time just ask 

( Tae )

I shouldn't have to ask ( smiles )

I just rolled my eyes and continued on eating while tae continued to eat my food and I just left it like that until he told me to feed him so I took a fry and feed it to him he smiled and kissed my nose and told me he loved me and I said it back I gave him a peck on his lips and both kiara and jungkook said eww we just laughed and then the bell rang and lunch was over me and tae held hands as we walked to his locker then to my locker then we both walked to our classes I was gonna let go of his hand but he pulled me close to him and kissed me and wouldn't let me go.

( y/n ) 

Tae I have to get to class and so do you were gonna be late 

( Tae )

Alright alright 

He let go of me and we went our separate ways I ran to my class and as soon as I did the bell rang I ran to my seat and sat down and class started.

( Tae point of view )

I parted from ( y/n ) and went to my class as soon as I walked in the bell rang I took my seat and the teacher came in and class started before I knew it class was over and I had a free period so I went to the roof since it was a really nice day.

( .... )


I turned around to see who it was and it was summer.

( Tae ) 

Oh... hey what you doing up here ?

( Summer ) 

I have a free period so I just came up here to write in my book 

( Tae ) 

Oh cool same I have a free period to what you writing?

( Summer )

Nothing! just writing 

Oh ok as I say that I sit next to her on the floor and we just talk and laugh with each other honestly she's really cool and I really get along with her we sit together talking and just talking and getting to know each other.

( Summer ) long have you and ( y/n ) been dating?

( Tae ) 

We've been dating for 3 years now were actually engaged 

( Summer ) 

Really wow that's along time and whens the wedding?

( Tae ) 

When we finish collage she wants to finish collage and so do I 

( Summer ) 

Oh that's good education first 

( Y/n point of view ) 

During class I asked if I can go to the roof top for a couple of seconds so I can clear my mind cause I have a headache and my teacher said yes it's fine as long as I come back before class finishes I shake my head ok and say thank you I walk up two flights of steps to get to the roof and I almost smile just thinking of tae as i'm walking up the steps I hear voices and as soon as I open the door I see tae and summer sitting down on the floor together laughing and I just watch them.

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