Chapter 12

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( Jelly point of view ) 

I woke up at 6am and jumped in the shower I came out and saw Suga on his phone now we never had sex but we like to tease each other so I climbed on top of him and sat on his lap.He laughed cause he knew what I was doing he put his phone down and put his hands on my waist then pushed me to the other side of the bed he went between my legs and leaned in to kiss me he tried to take off my towel but I stopped him.

( Jelly ) 

Nope slow your role

( Suga ) 

Damn that's to bad I would of made you felt good ( Smiles ) 

( Jelly ) 

It's to bad because I want you 

( Suga ) 

Then have me 

( Jelly ) 

Nah not right now ( Laughs ) 

( Suga ) 

I hate when you tease me it gets me angry 

Before I could say anything he crashed his lips into mine and I could tell he was eager.As the kiss heated up I could feel his friend getting hard and felt it right at the center of my area I wanted to keep going but we was gonna be late for school so I pulled away.

( Jelly ) 

You should go take a shower before we're late for school 

( Suga ) 

Will you come with me ( Smiles ) 

( Jelly ) 

Just go take a shower 

( Suga ) 

( Laughs ) Fine 

He got off of me and disappeared into the bathroom I got dressed into a white shirt and blue jeans.

( Tae point of view ) 

I woke up  pretty early and decided to make breakfast for everyone since I couldn't go back to sleep once I was done I woke y/n up and she was getting ready I went to go knock on Jelly and Suga's door but I heard kissing so I just walked away and left them to be y/n came out of our room and was drying her wet hair.

( Y/n ) 

Where's Suga and Jelly?

( Tae ) 

I was gonna knock on the door but I heard kissing like the sound of it so I let them be 

Y/n started laughing and made her way to the table and sat down and I brought her breakfast over to her I sat next to her and we both ate as we were eating Jelly and Suga came out of their room.

( Y/n ) 

Hey how was your morning?

Me and Y/n laughed and they looked at us like what's so funny we finished eating and left the house to head to school we meet Jungkook and Kiara at the front door we stood their for a couple of seconds before the doors opened.I went to my locker and saw Summer talking on the phone soon talking turned into whisper yelling I had looked behind me to see if anyone was looking and my eyes landed on Jungkook we gave each other a look like what the fuck is going on we both shrugged our shoulders and walked away.

( Y/n point of view ) 

I walked into class and saw Suga and Jungkook talking I went to my seat and sat down as soon as I did Summer turned around and asked if I had lip stick I was so confused I told her no I don't share my stuff with nobody she said ok then turned back around. Jungkook,Suga,and I looked at each other like okay....? the teacher had told Suga to turn around and sit correctly but in stead of sitting correctly he kept his chair where it was at and just turned it around to face the teacher and stood away from Summer as usual Mrs didn't care cause he wasn't facing Jungkook and I so he wouldn't be talking and not listening.Class went on pretty slow today and we still had 40 minutes left of class we had finished our work early so we just sat there having a conversation and laughing till the bell rang we still had 20 minutes left of class and Jungkook was telling us how he saw Summer talking on the phone then it turned into whisper yelling and how she looked really mad he told me Tae seen it to then the bell rang and we walked out to go to our next class.

( Taehyung's point of view ) 

It's third period and I have no class right now it's my free period and on my free period I like to go to the roof cause it's nice and pieceful and it helps me think about things.I opened the door to the roof and walked straight to the ledge to look over and thinking about anything I hear the door open so I look back and see it's Summer.

( Tae ) 

Hey how are you?

( Summer ) 

I'm ok my sister is stressing me out 

( Tae ) 

May I ask what happened?

She took a deep breath and I saw a tear come down and I got worried.

( Tae ) 

What's wrong why are you crying?

(  Summer ) 

My mom is in the hospital and they're saying she might not make it 

( Tae ) 

I'm so sorry to hear that what's wrong with her?

( Summer ) 

She has cancer 

She crys even harder and I feel bad for her cause I started thinking about y/n and her mom with everything that happened I pulled Summer into a hug to comfort her and we stood there for a few minutes I pulled her away from the hug and looked her in the eyes they were red,watery,and puffy I whipped her tears away and told her it would be ok! she nodded and looked at my lips and before I could even react to what she was about to do she kissed me I pushed her away and she started babbling like she didn't know what to say.

( Summer ) 

I...I I'm sorry I...I didn't mean do that I..I'm so..s...s...sorry 

She ran away and I just stood there shocked all that was going through my head was y/n, do I tell her,should I just keep it a secret,it didn't mean anything,how would she react ,I said I wouldn't do anything to hurt her i'm such a dumb ass , y/n's the love of my life I don't want to lose her I love her. Everything was going threw my head all at once and I couldn't concentrate I was freaking out I put my headphones on,sat on the floor and put my head in my arms with my legs to my chest a little.

( Sometime later ) 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked up all I could see was her beautiful smile and really happy expression to see me I looked at her for a while and everything about what happened with Summer came rushing back and I just couldn't bring myself to tell her, I couldn't bring myself to break her heart I just couldn't I loved her too much to put her threw that so I made my decision and decided not to tell her. 

( Tae ) 


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