Chapter 9

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( Y/n point of view ) 

I'm in second period with Jungkook doing our work like always and again for the second time the teacher told us to stop what we were doing cause he had an announcement to make.

( Teacher ) 

Class I would like you to welcome our new student Min Yoongi

He motioned for someone to walk in and of course it was Suga my boy best friend me and kookie put a smile on our faces but it disappeared when he told Suga to sit next to.....Summer. The teacher told us to go back to what we was doing and sat down at his desk doing nothing Suga didn't even sit next to Summer he immediately grabbed his chair and turned it around and he sat in front of kookie and me.

( Y/n ) 

Best friend i'm happy you here yay ( Claps/ laughs ) 

He smiled then just clapped along and kookie did the same thing and we just started laughing we helped Suga catch up on everything that we had been doing in class which wasn't a lot cause semester 2 just started last week when we were doing our work I noticed Summer her head was down and was lonely so a thought came to me.

( Y/n ) 

Hey guys what do ya think of Summer?

( Jungkook ) 

She seems nice and I don't know her ( Laughs ) 

( Y/n ) 


( Y/n ) 

What do you think of her I mean ya dated what is she like?

( Suga ) 

She was chill and cool but to obsessed / desperate so I ended it 

( Y/n ) 

I feel like I was a bitch on Friday so I'm gonna try to make it up to her some way some how 

( Classes Later ) 

I was done with my classes and had a free period I decided to got to the roof to get some fresh air cause I really needed it I was so tired and needed a cool nice breeze as I opened the door I saw Summer and Tae talking it looked like she was about to leave so before she walked past me I said bye when I looked at Tae he gave that look like do this for me so I turned around and just before she was about to open the door I shouted.

( Y/n ) 

Hey Summer I know your new here and don't really have friends so I was wondering if you would like to go to the mall with me tomorrow to hangout 

She smiled being so happy that I asked her and she said yes that she would love to go with me 

( Y/n ) 

Great meet me after school by the front door 

( Summer ) 

Ok! bye ( Waves ) 

( Y/n ) 


I looked at Tae with the expression like are you happy now and he shook his head to say that he was he opened his arms as a signal for me to hug him I dragged my feet and slowly went in his arms he kissed my forehead and said thank you I replied your welcome and left it like that. Honestly I couldn't see what was so good about this girl that he liked so much but then i'll be starting a problem so I left it like that and moved on when our break finished it was time for lunch then one more class to go then We leave yay.

( Kiara point of view ) 

Second period was over and in the beginning of class Jelly had joined so now it's me,Jelly and Tae Jelly sat next to me while Tae sat in front of us at the table and we helped Jelly get caught up on the work we had been doing it wasn't that much cause the semester had just started and we went on doing out work .

( Classes Later ) 

I was in class doing my work and class went by pretty quick and then we had lunch.

( Y/n point of view ) 

I was walking to lunch with Tae and ended up meeting Kiara and Jelly half way we was all four about to go in the line but Tae asked if I can get his lunch for him cause he wanted to go sit down I said sure and he was on his way to the table and it was just me , Jelly and Kiara once he left I immediately turned to them and said fuck me up!

( Kiara / Jelly ) 


( Y/n ) 

So on break I went to the roof and when I opened the door I saw Tae and Summer she was going to walk out but Tae gave me that look like please make an effort so I called after Summer before she left and asked if she would like to go to the mall with me tomorrow after school so ya have to come tomorrow and be there for me please!

They looked at each other then back at me and they both insync said .

( Kiara / Jelly ) 

Hell yeah we coming !

I smiled and we continued on with lunch which went pretty good I got Tae his lunch and when he finished he ate from my plate and I didn't care cause I loved him lunch went by then we had our last class. Instead of Kiara sitting next to me Tae wanted to sit next to me so Kiara sat next to Kookie which she didn't care obviously cause they were cuddling the whole time and the teacher was getting angry cause they wouldn't do work me and Tae did our work then finished it and we would laugh, kiss , and cuddle Jelly and Suga's head were touching and they were sleeping next to each other while holding hands. Before we knew class was over it was time to go home I went to my locker then went to the front door and waited for Tae we both walked out and went home to change our clothes then went out to eat at my favorite place Golden Corral ( Not actually my fav place just needed a place lol ) once we finished we went home and watched Netflix and chill out of nowhere Tae turned my head so that I was looking at him and kissed me we started making out little by little it turned into a heated make out session and next thing I knew his shirt was off and he was on top of me.

  You guys can guess what happened next 😉

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