Chapter 20

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( Summer point of view )

( Summer ) 


" Hangs up the phone "

I am freaking out I kidnapped y/n and Tae and I don't know what to do i'm kinda freaking out.

" Bang "

I heard a noise up stairs so I went to check it out, I went into my room and looked at everything, everything was in its right place except........ nope everything is fine I went back down stairs and left the house to go to the ware house and do something with these two.

( Suga point of view )

( Suga ) 

Hopefully she doesn't see us 

( Jelly ) 

I just followed her from afar she's too stupid to notice 

When summer came in we immediately put everything back and hid in the very first room, we threw something in the very back room and she fell for it so once she went into her room we all ran down stairs and ran into my car, we waited for her to come out so we can follow her and that's what we're doing now. We followed her to the ware house but we parked far back so she wont see us but we were still able to see her, when she exited the car someone came running up to her it was a girl she was all on top of her saying some stuff put Summer pushed her down and just walked off and left her. I told the guys that if we capture her and hold her she can tell us what she knows so that's what we did, we attacked her and put her in the back seat, we asked her all these questions, she started to cry the fuck bitch I ain't falling for it.

( Suga ) 

Where the fuck is y/n and Tae?

( ...... ) 

Are ya Suga, Jelly, Kiara, and Jungkook?!

( Suga ) 

How did you know?

( ........ ) 

She has a lot of information on you guys 

( Suga ) 

Can you take us to y/n and Tae ?

( ...... ) 

I tried to warn them but I guess they didn't listen to me 

( Suga ) 

So you were the one that stopped them 

( ...... ) 

Yeah it was me I tried to warn them 

( Suga ) 

Listen can you just take us to them please 

( ...... ) 

Sure, yeah of course 

( Suga ) 

Ok come on guys 

We left the car and she leaded us to the back entrance 

( Suga ) 

Who's closest to us y/n or Tae?

( ...... )

Tae is closer cause he's this way and y/n is down that hallway 

( Suga ) 

Ok lets save Tae first 

We walked/sneaked to the room Tae was in, we opened the door and good thing it was unlocked we walked in and it was dark we saw nothing until I used my flashlight and saw a body on the bed that was in the room I looked closer and he was awake as soon as he saw me he started to wiggle around and hum things I ran up to him and quickly untied him and took the tape off his mouth.

I'm Fine ( Save Me ) Book 2 Ff Kim Taehyung ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now