How Long

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Nikki's Pov
Today after this period cheer tryouts were going to start it's just two tryouts the first are were everyone comes and the next were like call back the girls who were good compete against each other because there are only two spots left and since Kenny was taking one there was only one spot I love those part when I walked into the gym I could see all the girls I didn't like for example Summer,Aj, And Eve all those scandalous drama bitches I don't know I think it was mostly the fact that they all wanted to get with John but thankfully we all knew he liked me just wish he would asks me out already
Brie: Nikki are you ready ?
Nikki: Yeah just let me put in lip gloss
Brie: Okay gym or field ?
Nikki: Is football practicing yet ?
Brie: No but they are just sitting out on the bleachers waiting for coach
Nikki: Field I want John to see me !
Brie: Okay hey Eva can you go get all the girls who are trying out to go to the field practice and tryouts will be out there for the day
Eva: I will and yay I love working out in front of the boys especially my boy
Brie: Haha me too Bryan loves it !
Nikki: Your welcome girls now Brie tell me should I wear my red cheer work out clothes or the green ?
Brie: For sure green hello Johns favorite color !
Nikki: My smart sister okay I'll meet you guys outside
Brie: Okay
As Nikki got dressed and headed out to the field she saw John starting at her which she loved but she had to focus on the tryouts !
Nikki: I see you got the girls stretching
Brie: Yup Nattie thought it would be a good idea
Nikki: Where is she ?
Brie: She's will be back for practice she asked me if she could go take care of some wrestling stuff with coach I told her you wouldn't mind it's just tryouts but to be back for practice
Nikki: Okay and thanks Brie's and I am okay with it as long as she back for practice
Brie: Okay let's start ! Here's the bullhorn
Nikki: Thank you now can you and Trin show the girls what I expect from them while I say it ?
Trinity: Yup
Brie: Yes !
Nikki: Okay girls I have one spot open so only one of you will be happy and a cheerleader and the rest if you will probably not sorry but we a championship team and I expect no less from you then what I expect from the girl on the team now all of you think you have what it takes to be a cheerleader ? I don't think so if you can't do this show em girls
Brie and Trinity start doing back flips front flips and more stunts that left most of the girls shocked
Nikki: So if you can't do that leave !
A lot of the girls got up and started waking away and Nikki smile to see that Summer was one of the girls to leave
Nikki: Now that's more like it okay so we are going to show your three cheers
One cheer at a time try to keep up after we show you the first cheer we will stop but you continue doing the same thing over again and we will walk around and start eliminating you the last two stand will tryout again tomorrow For the last spot do I make myself clear ?
All the girls say yes
Nikki: Okay ! 5 6 7 8
They start doing the cheer and the football players start cheering for them which makes Nikki happy because she knows that John is cheering for her after their done Nikki turns around
Nikki: Okay 5 6 7 8
The girls start doing the routine over and over again Nikki sends Brie to the sides and Trinity Ariane and Eva Marie in through the middle while she looked at the from the front after a while she started talking again
Nikki: That was great girls Thank you now gives us a minute so who do you guys think should go first ?
Brie: Well I think The girl with the yellow shirt back there yeah she had a hard time keep up and kept getting lost
Eva: Yes I noticed that too
Nikki: Girl in the yellow that will be all thank you !
She leaves
Trinity: And that girl in the pink she's no good
Nikki: Pink shirt girl you may leave thank you for coming
Ariane: And the girl black yeah she wasn't doing good either
Nikki: Girl in the black I'm sorry but you must go okay now that we have eliminated the weak ones let's get started on the second routines now this will be more complicated and have more acrobatic moves now if you can do it one amazing but if you can't do it a second time or a third or a fourth time in a row you will be asked to leave because this is something so simple we do everyday so if you can't keep up your not cheerleader material
5 6 7 8
After they do the routines which is more complex that the other she turns around and starts counting for them to start this time the girls are watching from the front because if they walked through the would get kicked in the face
Nikki: continue doing the routine but if I call you out please leave the field
Brie: the girl in red she looks like us and she doesn't know how to move her hips
Nikki: Oh I can't have that ! Red shirt goodbye
Trinity: The one is bright pink yeah she needs to go
Nikki: Bright pink thank you for coming
Brie: Aj sucks she should leave !
Nikki: Thank you AJ that will be all for today
Aj leaves angry !
Now there are only two girls left !
Nikki: Alright girls seeing as there are only two of you left we will show you the third cheer tomorrow and then who ever we like the most and we think could be good for the team will be picked to be fill the last spot now bye
Brie: I can't believe Eve made it this far
Nikki: Well I am captain so I can pick Jojo instead of Eve
Brie: I like Jojo too
Nikki: Then it's settled Jojo it is !
Brie: Yay
Nikki: Don't tell the girls though I want it to be a surprise until tomorrow
Brie: Okay now let start practice I see Nattie on her way over here
Nikki: Okay come on girls get into position and start stretching today we will do something easy just a mile and 40 bleachers sounds good ?
They all say yes !
Nikki: Brie and I are going to watch you we had this same work out this morning when your done we will go over some things and then meet again tomorrow
She blows her whistle and the girls start running after a minute into watching them run John walks over
John: Hey guys how did tryouts go ?
Brie: Great Umm hey Nikki why don't you finish telling him about it and I'm going to take a lap
Nikki: Are you sure you don't have to we ran more than they are going to this morning
Brie: Yeah in sure this way I can have cake later
Nikki: Okay
She goes and catches up with Nattie
John: She runs fast
Nikki: I know when we first started running she wore me out
John: So you know who you will be picking for the team ?
Nikki: Not sure yet but I have an idea too secret tho can't tell
John: I understand Eve was looking pretty good though
Nikki: I don't know I seen her try to work out during gym class I think me and Brie would like to pick Jojo but like I said we can't decide until tomorrow
John: Okay so do you have a lot of hw today ?
Nikki: No thank god
John: Would you like to go for a walk with me in the park later tonight ?
Nikki: Like a date ?
John: Yes you know if you want
Nikki: I'd love to John
John: Great see you around 8 ?
Nikki: Okay
John: Okay see you tonight I have to go start practice
As soon as John left Brie came running back
Nikki: OMG !! Brie
Brie: What happened Nikki
Nikki: He finally did it he finally asked me out
Brie: No way where too ?
Nikki: He said if I wanted to take a walk with him at the park and I asked like a date and he said if I wanted it to be then yes
Brie: Omg Nikki I'm so happy for you
Nikki: What do I wear I mean we're not going anywhere fancy but what do I wear to the park !
Brie: How about just a simple but pretty dress with flats
Nikki: Okay Brie after practice you have to help me pick out something amazing to wear
Brie: Okay
After practice they went home and straight to Nikki's room
Kathy: Hey girls your not going to say hi to your mother
Nikki: I'm sorry mom but I need to pick out something to wear
Brie: John finally asked her out
Kathy: Omg I thought he never would
Nikki: You knew ?
Kathy: I know he liked you since middle school honey
Nikki: I guess moms do know everything !
Kathy: Of course and I will let you go just make sure he has you back by curfew okay
Nikki: Okay mom thanks
Kathy: Now dinner is on the stove you guys can serve yourself I'm going over to Grandmas house
Brie: Okay mom be safe
Kathy: Bye girls
She leaves the room
Nikki: Omg Brie I am so happy I feel like I can fly !
Brie: Well you know what if you can fly you could be a better flyer !
Nikki: Brianna stop it haha
On the other part of the street
John: I can't believe I finally had the balls to ask Nikki out !
Matt: I know you've been crushing on her for so long
John: I feel like I'm on cloud 9 you know ever since me and Liz broke up because she knew I still had feeling for Nikki I've been working up the nerve to ask her out and I finally did and I'm so happy
Matt: I know I'm happy for you bro what time you picking her up ?
John: At 8
Matt: Okay I'm going to do H.W good luck
John: Thanks
Back with Nikki and Brie at 8
Brie: Nikki you need to relax and breathe and stop thinking about it your turning red !
Nikki: Okay Brie I'm calming down I'm just so excited
Brie: I know Nikki
There's a knock on the door
Nikki: Omg he's here
Brie: Okay you wait here I'm going down stairs to open the door and when you here me calling come down okay
Nikki: Okay
Brie opens the door
John: Hey Brie is Nikki here ?
Brie: Yeah come in
He walks in
Brie: Nikki John is here
Brie shouted out
Nikki: Okay I'll be right down
As she walks down John can't help but stare because she knows she looks amazing she
Nikki: Hi John
John: Nikki you look amazing ummm these are for you
He said hanging her red roses and pink Lillie's
Nikki: Aww John your so sweet thank you
John: Just pretty flowers for a beautiful girl
Nikki: Oh John stop your making me blush
John: Well it's true shall we go ?
Nikki: Yes we shall Umm here Brie can you put these in water ?
Brie: Yeah I will
Nikki: Thank you I'll see you later
Brie: Okay and John since my mom isn't here I will say to you what she said to Nikki
John: And that was ?
Brie: Have her home by curfew haha
John: Haha oh no problem I will
They leave the house and start waking towards the park and stared talking about a million different things
John: So Nikki what do you see yourself doing in the future
Nikki: Umm okay I'll tell you but you have to promise me you won't judge me ?
John: I would never what is it ?
Nikki: As weird as this may sound I kind of want to be a WWE Diva me and Brie both do ! No one and I mean no one knows haha
John: Wow that's amazing because I want to be a WWE superstar myself !
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yeah it's been my dream since I was 7 haha
Nikki: 8 haha
John: I don't know why I waited so long but Nikki
Nikki: Yeah ?
John: Will you be my girlfriend ?
Nikki: Omg !!! Yes you don't know how long I've waited for you to say that
John: You don't know how long I've been working up the nerve to say that haha
Just then they started looking into each others eyes and leaned in for a kiss they started to make out no letting out for air until the sprinklers went off and they started running through them and playing around and kissing Nikki thinking to herself what a perfect night ! John was so happy that he didn't care who saw them or if he went home with his clothes all wet !
Back at home
Brie: Omg Nikki what happened your soaking wet !
Nikki: I don't care I'm John Cenas girlfriend !!!!!
Brie: Omg I would hug you but your wet!
Nikki: Omg I'm going to get sick I need to go change
Brie: Yes then meet me in my room and tell me everything !
Nikki: Okay
After changing and talking for a long time they both fell asleep in Brie's room and woke up in time for school
Nikki: Can I drive today ?
Brie: Fine let's go
Nikki: Yay omg today is my first day at school as John Cenas girlfriend !!
Brie: I know I'm so happy for you
They arrive at school and Nikki parks right next to johns car but notices that no one is I there
Brie: Nikki I'm going with Mendoza to check some stuff out I'll meet you later
Nikki: Okay I'm going to my locker put some stuff away
They both go their separate ways when Nikki walks into the hall where her locker is she noticed John waiting for her at her locker with a red rose
John: Hi gorgeous
Nikki: John your so sweet !
John: Just to show how much I like you
Nikki: I like you a lot too !
John: So how did you sleep ?
Nikki: Amazing well I was up all night with Brie and we fell asleep in her room I don't even remember the last thing I said to her or what we were talking about haha
John: Haha well I got home and changed I didn't want to risk getting sick ! Now that football season is about to start
Nikki: Oh I know what you mean I had to change right away to I can't miss a single day of cheer or school if I want to maintain a 4.0 and get accepted into UCLA
John: Wow you have a lot of goals for this year
Nikki: Well I've been having a 4.0 since 9th grade that's the only way my dad gave me and Brie our Cameros
John: Wow well I've maintained a pretty good 3.9
Nikki: Why not the 4.0
John: I always miss at least one or two days haha
The bell rings
John: May I walk my girlfriend to class
Nikki: You may considering we have the same class right now haha
They both continued laughing and when Nikki closed her locker John grabbed her hand and started walking towards class
All through the day the spent walking and together hugging and kissing they felt really happy and at the end of the day Nikki was happy to tell Jojo that she was taking the last spot on the squad
In the girls locker room
Brie: Hey Nikki were practicing outside again ?
Nikki: Yup I'll be right out
Brie: Okay
When Nikki finishes getting ready she sees Eve trying to get close to John touching his shoulders and John just stepping back Nikki decides to sneak up behind him
Nikki: Hey John
John: Oh hi babe
John turns around and hugs her and gives her a kiss which shortly turned into a mini make out session
Nikki: John I need to get to practice haha
John: Aww fine only because I love watching you cheer !
Nikki: Because you know I'll be cheering for you !
John: Exactly haha
Nikki: Fine one more kiss just one !
John: Ok
They kiss and Nikki noticed Eve really angry down at the bench ! Which only made Nikki much happier
Nikki: Fine now I really have to go
John: Okay have fun babe
Nikki: I will and you have a good practice too baby
Nikki leaves and heads over to the girls and picks up her clipboard
Nikki: Okay after hours of me and Brie talking last night we decided to pick one of you we just think that this girl is really energetic and she will be an amazing addition to the squad so Jojo you are now a Cheerleader Congratulations I'm sorry Eve you may go now
Eve: This isn't fair I'm prettier than her and than you !
Nikki: This is not about being pretty this is about having the ability to take our team to championships again and you just don't have that
Eve: Your just jealous cause you can't have any guy you want like I can
Nikki: I don't need any other guy I have John and that's all I need !
Eve: Ugh you slut !!! He should be mine
Nikki: Can you please leave the cheerleaders have work to do
Eve just looks around watching how she is about to break down so she just storms off
Brie: Wow that was so much fun to watch !
Nikki: As fun as that was Jojo we picked to fill the spot because one your energetic have a beautiful smile and your amazing at what you do !
Jojo: Thank you I won't let you down !
Nikki: I hope so now after practice I need you to go somewhere to get fitted for your cheer outfit and when you get your measurements give then to me and I will get you your outfit
Jojo: Okay !
Nikki: Okay girls let's start Kenny will be showing you guys some new moves and me and Brie will help you guys while you do them since we already learned them !
After 2 hours of practice the all left home and Nikki and Brie were doing HW when the doorbell rang
Brie: Nikki why don't you get that it might be John !
Nikki: Haha fine
She walks down stairs and opens the door and is surprised to see
Michael with a huge bouquet of flower one for Brie and one for Nikki
Nikki: Unm Brie could you come down here
Brie: What is it Nikki
Nikki: Look who's here
Brie: Oh Michael nice to see you
Michael: Nice to see you guys again these are for you and your beautiful sister
Nikki&Brie: Thank you
Then Nikki's phone rings
Nikki: Umm excuse me I must take this
Brie: Okay Michael please come in how you been how's school ?
Michael: Schools been great I actually came over to tell you that me and my cousin are moving here and my dad just bought the a house
Brie: Wow that great where's the house
Michael: It's down here on the other part if the town !
Brie: Is it the house at the end ?
Michael: Yeah how did you know
Brie: I knew that house well it was the only house on sale
Michael: Oh well that's the house
Brie: Nice I'm going to go out these in water have a seat in the living room and I'll go get Nikki
Michael: Ok
After a while both Nikki and Brie came into the living room and sat with Michael
Nikki: So what brings you to our house
Brie: Umm Michael came to say that he just bought the last house down the street
Nikki: The one actions from a
Red sports car a black range rover and a blue Cadillac ?
Michael: Yeah how do you know
Brie: Nikki's boyfriend lives there
Nikki hits Brie's arm playfully
Brie: Ow that hurt
Nikki: Sorry it was an accident
Brie: Whatever hey who where you I the phone with ?
Nikki: Who else John !
Brie: of course what did he want
Nikki: To say hi that he's thinking about me and that he wanted to take me out Friday
Brie: Oh where to ?
Nikki: Um Brie I think we can discuss this later I'm pretty sure Michael doesn't want to hear this girl talk
Brie: Oh right sorry Umm so when are you guys officially moving here ?
Michael: By the end of this year but most likely the beginning of next year
Brie: Oh so where will you be going to school
Michael: I don't know my father wants a private school tho
Brie: Oh our school is private and ranked number 5 in the country
Michael: That's amazing well I'll have to mention it to my father
Nikki: Yeah but there are others schools like Lakewood or Cambridge
Michael:We will see well I must leave now flying back to Italy tonight
Nikki: Oh well it was nice seeing you again
Brie: Nikki can walk you to the door I have to go do something
Michael: Okay
Nikki with Michael at the door
Michael: It was really nice seeing you again your as beautiful as ever
Nikki: Aww thank you
Michael: I will see you when I get back from Italy
Nikki: When will you be returning ?
Michael: Probably at the end of next month
Nikki: Okay see you then I guess
Michael hugs her and gives her a kiss on the cheek this made Nikki feel weird but what she didn't know was that John was on his way to her house when he stopped because he saw that Nikki walked out with a guy he has never seen before and saw when he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek he waited
Until he saw that he left and was far enough and then he knocked on the door to see that Brie opened it
Brie: Oh hey
John: Hey
Nikki walking down the stair looking down at her phone
Nikki: Hey did you forget something Michael ?
She then looked up and saw that it was John
Nikki: On hey John
she said really happy
John: Hey want to go for a walk ?
Nikki: Yeah let me just go change my shoes
John: Okay !
Brie: Hey are you any good in math ?
John: A little
Brie: Mind helping me with a problem while Nikki gets ready ?
John: Sure
They walk into the kitchen and John notices flowers
John: Nice flowers who are they from ?
Brie: Oh Michael came over today and he brought me and my mom flowers but my mom isn't here so he gave them to Nikki I guess idk
John: Why was he here
Brie: Just to say hi and to say the he bought the house across from yours
John: Oh really ?
Brie: Yeah he and his family is moving in by next year
John: Is he going to school with us
Brie: I suggested it but I Nikki said that he should look in to Cambridge or Lakewood
John: Oh nice so what's the problem
After a few minutes pass Nikki walks down stairs
Nikki: Okay ready
John: Okay let's go
Brie: Thanks John
Nikki: Bye Brie if mom comes home tell her I'll be back by curfew
Brie: Okay bye have fun you two
They leave and start walking towards the park
John: So Brie says Michael stopped by today
Nikki: Yeah he did
John: What did he want
Nikki: To say hi and let us know about the house his parents bought and school
John: Oh that's nice
Nikki: Yeah Umm can I be completely honest with you. ?
John: Of course you can
Nikki: He brought me and Nikki flowers and when he was leaving he kissed me on the cheek I'm sorry I just wanted to be completely honest with you
John: Thank you for being honest with me I appreciate that
Nikki: I just didn't want to have any lies in this relationship
John: I don't either and whatever it is I may ever see or hear I promise that I will always go to you first
Nikki: So will I
John: Now that we have established that you hungry
Nikki: Yes I kinda am haha
John: You like Chinese ?
Nikki: Love !
John: Okay let's walk to my house and we will get my car and we will go to this amazing place !
Nikki: Okay
They walk to his house get in his car and go eat the spend the night eating and laughing and back at Nikki's House
Nikki: Thanks for everything John !
John: Thank you for an amazing night
They kiss and continue to kiss for a long time
Nikki: Ugh I wish I didn't have to let go
John: Me either
They kiss again until someone starts to drive up the drive way
Brie steps out if the car with her brother JJ
Brie: Hey guys
JJ: Hi Nicole Hi John
Hey guys they both say
Nikki: Where did you guys go
Brie: Over to Natties house she needed help with some of her wrestling stuff
Nikki: Nice is her dad there ?
Brie: Nope on the road
Nikki: Oh sucks !
John: Well you have to understand he is A Champion for the WWE so he will be gone for a while
Nikki: I know it's just tough I mean we know what it's like
Brie: Yeah and Nattie is so a daddy's girl
John: True
JJ: Well I'm going to go spend the night with Mom and Nanna
Nikki: Who's care are you taking ?
JJ: Yours Nikki ?
Nikki: Fine but you have to be careful I don't want any scratches on my baby !
JJ: I will thanks Nikki
Nikki: Welcome tell Nanna and mom I said Hi !
John: For me too please
JJ: I will I'll see you guys tomorrow or when we come back
Brie: Okay bye JJ I'm going up to my room
Nikki: Oh Umm John come inside I'll be right down my keys are up stairs
JJ: I'll go get them
Nikki: No JJ you know I don't like people messing around in my room unless it's Brie
JJ: Fine I'll be in the garage
They both leave John in the living room while Nikki gets her keys after a minute she comes down running to the garage and gives JJ the keys
John: I love seeing all your baby pictures
Nikki: I know wasn't I adorable
John: Well I don't want to say the wrong thing here but both you and Brie are adorable
Nikki: Can't tell us apart huh ?
John: Now yes as babies no haha
Nikki: Haha it's fine my mom really couldn't either that's what when we weren't wearing matching clothes I would wear red and Brie pink
John: Now see even if that was the case your identical twins !
Nikki: Yeah I know you can't say I'm pretty and say that Brie is ugly haha
She sits on the couch and points to the spot that is empty besides her and tells John to sit next to her
John: So I think we were doing something before Brie and JJ pulled up
Nikki: Oh really you mind reminding me what that was
John: My pleasure.
They go back to making out for a really long time until johns mom called saying where was he so he left but no before stealing a few kisses from Nikki !


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