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Nikki's Room
John: Here pass me my phone I'm going to call them
Nikki reaches over for his phone
Nikki: Here you go
John dials the phone and wait for someone to answers his mom answers
Carol: Hello
John: Hey mom
Carol: Hi sweetie how are you
John: I'm fine hey mom I just called to say that me and Liz are getting divorced
Carol: Good radiance
John: And guess what !
Carol: What is it ?
John: I ran into Nicole
Carol: Oh really that's wonderful
John: I'm actually with her right now here let me out you in speaker
He puts her on speaker
Nikki: Hi Mrs. Cena
Carol: Oh Nicole call me mom how you been ?
Nikki: Really good how is everyone ?
Carol: We've been good we've missed you it's been so long !
Nikki: I know
John: Hey mom you think you and dad can come down sometimes before this month ends ?
Carol: Yeah sure
John: Me and Nicole have a surprise for you
Carol: Oh you guys are back together ?
Nikki: Yeah buts it's something more
Carol: So excited how about we can come down next week ?
John: Perfect see you then mom
Nikki: Bye mom
Carol: Bye my darlings
She hangs up
Nikki: You weren't kidding when she said she didn't like Liz
John: See how happy she was when I said I had ran into you
Nikki: Yeah I really miss them hey I want to show you something
John: What is it ?
Nikki: Come down to my room/closet with me
John: Okay
They walk down stairs
Nikki: Did your mom ever tell you about the necklace she gave me ?
John: No what necklace ?
Nikki: Okay remember that necklace I wore to prom and homecoming
John: Yeah
Nikki: Well your mom gave me that necklace the night we went to dinner with them after the homecoming game
John: Oh I didn't know that
Nikki: Yeah she gave it to me when we went to the bathroom the thing about this necklace is she told me it was your grandmothers I wanted to give it back to her after the dance but she said she wanted me to keep it
John: How sweet of her
Nikki: Look I still have it
John: I don't remember it being so big
Nikki: I know when I pulled it out again I was amazed again
John: So is this what you wanted to show me ?
Nikki: Yeah and this she said as she got up and pulled a huge frame of
Sophia in a princess dress wearing the necklace
Nikki: You think your mom would like it ? She was one here
John: I think she would love it !
Nikki: Yeah? Then I'm going to make a copy of it and we can give it to her
John: And we can put one up in my house !
Nikki: You really want that ?
John: Of course I do
Nikki: Okay so remind me to make 3 copies of this but I don't think I should get your mom this same size and I don't know what size you want it ?
John: I want this size and we can put it in my dressing room
Nikki: Okay ! I need you to get the frame tho I don't know what will go with your interior
John: Okay and for your mom I think just a big one but not huge so like maybe the size of a self portrait ?
John: Yeah come here
She walks back over to John
John: I wish we could turn back time and go back to they way it was and then had Sophia while we were still together
Nikki: In a way I feel like it worked out don't you ?
John: Yes but not soon enough you don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you and hug you and have you in my arms again
Nikki: You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that ❤️
John: I could imagine
Just as John started kissing Nikki
Brie yelled out for her
Brie: Nikki!!!!
In the other room
Nikki: Ugh what !! Brianna
She walks out while John follows behind her
Brie: Oh sorry but guess who I just ran into ?
Nikki: Who
Brie: Bryan
John: Oh yeah he works with us too
Nikki: Really Bryan as in Bryan Danielson ?
Brie: Yes and he looked so damn cute it's amazing
John: Haha you want his number I have it ?
Brie: Yes please !
Nikki: Haha hey we should all go to dinner one night but of course I'm not working for the WWE only Brie !
John: I'll set it up
Brie: Yay omg I need to shopping !
Nikki: Well go Monday and John can set up the dinner for Friday ?
John: Saturday so we can spend the 5 days with my parents
Nikki: Oh okay see Brie you have time !
Brie: Forget me now your mom and dad are coming
John: Yup going to tell them about Sophia
Nikki: We already told his mom were together again
John: She was so happy when I told her I was divorcing Liz
Nikki: I believe her exact words were good riddance
Brie: Wow haha
Nikki: I know right !
John: Haha so Saturday dinner with Bryan and Nicole should we tell Sophia ?
Nikki: Let's wait until we see what your parents reaction is and then bring her into the picture
John: Okay ! I have to go see my lawyer now but I'll be back later
Nikki: Okay bye babe
John: Bye baby
They kiss and he leaves the room
Brie: So you guys are getting along well !
Nikki: Oh Brianna I don't know I'm just so happy
Kenny walks in
Kenny: I thought you two were keeping you and John a secret
Nikki: We are
Kenny: Then why is it all over google
Nikki: What !!
Kenny: Haha just kidding wanted to mess with you
Nikki: Omg Kenny I could kill you
Kenny: You love me to much tho
Brie: Hey Nikki I'm going to the performance center to work out want to come
Nikki: Yeah hey Kenny you and Sophia should come too
Kenny: Okay I could use it haha
Nikki: Okay come on I'll get Sophia ready
They get ready and leave not noticing that Vince and Stephanie were still there they start working out
Kenny: Hey wouldn't it be fun to do one of our old routines !
Nikki: Omg as long as I get to be flyer !!
Brie: Fine come one
They start one of their old routines and Stephanie and Vince start observing and love what they see !
When they finish
Stephanie: Omg Nicole your an amazing person in air thing
Nikki: Thank you it's called a flyer
Stephanie: You guys can use that in the ring !
Brie: We could I mean I could still carry Nicole on my own
Nikki: You sure Brie ?
Brie: Yeah here I'll show you
They start doing their own routine and they can
Nikki: Omg we can crush girls with this type of thing !
Brie: Hey that's what happened when your captain of the cheer team !
Stephanie: Brie you were captain
Nikki: No I was haha she was my com captain
Vince: And didn't you say you knew John from high school
Brie: Yeah he was captain of the football team
Stephanie: Wow real all American high school couple
Kenny: That's not all Nikki and John won both Homecoming King and Queen and Prom King and Queen
Stephanie: Wow
John walks in
John: Well I only won because people voted for Nicole I was just along for the ride
Nikki: Hey what are you doing here !
John: Well I needed to talk to Vince about the whole divorce things
Nikki: Oh well I'm going back to working out take Sophia with you ?
John: Yeah I'll let her listen to music while we talk
Nikki: Okay Sophia go with daddy
Vince: Daddy ?
Stephanie: Oh yeah I'll explain right now come on Sophia and John you too haha
They go inside and discuss the divorce
John: So how can I make sure she doesn't get a dime of my money I have a prenup but it said she would get money for each year we were married but I don't want her to get a dime for what she did !
Vince: Do you have proof that she hid the letter ?
John: No
Stephanie: I could get someone to trace the person with that email
Vince: That's all we can really right now
While they sat in silence Sophia starts singing
Close enough to start a war all that I have is on the floors god only knows what were fighting for all that I say you always say more I can't keep up with your turning tables under your thumb I can't breathe so I won't let you close enough to hurt me no I won't ask you to just desert me I can't give you what you think you gave me it's time to say goodbye to turning tables
Stephanie: Omg how old is she !
John: Shes three turning 4 in December
Vince: She had such an amazing voice
John: I know Nicole says she must get it from my family because she doesn't know anyone in hers that can sing but I've told her so many times that she has an amazing voice to but she doesn't believe me
Stephanie: So Nikki sings too ?
John: Yeah haha
Vince: What can't that girl do
John: Umm fish ? Haha I don't know haha
Stephanie: So we need to tell you something we don't know how you're going to take this
John: What is it ?


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