Fun In The Sun

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It has now been 4 months into football and cheer season and Nicole and John have been dating for 5 months now with no problems that is until Michael comes into town again
It's 3 weeks before homecoming and even tho they are dating John wants to ask her in such a cute way and he has the perfect plan to do it at the park where he first asked Nikki to be his girlfriend
John: So Brie at 8 I want you to go with Nikki to the park ok
Brie:Ok Bryan meet me around the corner so we can hang out after ok
Bryan: Ok
John: Thank you guys so much for helping me
Brie: No problem !
John: Okay shh here she comes !
Nikki: Hey guys
John,Brie& Bryan: Hey
Nikki: You guys want to go see a movie tonight ?
John: Can't sorry I have to go over some plays for the homecoming game
Bryan: Family Dinner with my grandparents
Brie: Tons of H.W
Nikki: Aww man !
Brie: Yeah sorry
From behind Kenny walks up and hugs her
Kenny: Hey girl hey !
Nikki: Hey !
Kenny: You want to go see a movie tonight with me and Ivan and Michael ?
Nikki: Umm
She said thinking about it looking over at John
Brie: Nikki JJ wants to know if you could help him with his junior service project tonight it's due next week
Nikki: Oh yeah and Kenny guess not haha
Kenny: Okay I guess Michael will be a third wheel tonight
Nikki: Yeah why don't you hook him up with someone
Kenny: he doesn't want to date right now
Nikki: Whatever I just can't believe he moved here earlier than he said he would
Kenny: I love it because of Ivan only
Nikki: I know he's so sweet and nice to me
Brie: Michael has been a bit of a jerk since he moved here
Nikki: I know especially to me !
Kenny: Hey Nikki can I talk to you alone for a bit it's important ?
Nikki: Yeah give me a sec !
She walks over to John
Nikki: If you finish early tonight come see me ?
John: Of course I'll txt you !
Nikki: Okay Love you
John: Love you too
They kiss and Nikki heads over to Kenny
Nikki: What's up Ken Ken
Kenny: I know why Michael has been a total jerk lately
Nikki: Why ?
Kenny: He still has feeling for you
Nikki: Really ?
Kenny: Yeah he's never stopped liking you and seeing that your with John just makes him mad
Nikki: Omg that really explains a lot but I really like John and even if I didn't I still wouldn't be with Michael I don't have feeling for him what so ever
Kenny: I know but you know boys when they want something they go after it
Nikki: Oh I know that's why John went after it!
Kenny: You guys seriously make the cutest couple ever
Nikki: Thanks just hope this is not something that will last a year and them it's done with I really like him so much enough to say I love him
Kenny: Has he said it to you
Nikki: Yeah but like in was that like oh hey I'm going to do something I'll see you later and I'll be like okay and he'll say love you and me love you too
Kenny: How is that kinda ?
Nikki: Cause he hasn't said I love you
Kenny: Oh well at least you know he loves you
Nikki: Yeah now come on let's go get ready for practice I want to show you guys the new cheer
Kenny: Another new cheer ?
Nikki: Yeah
Kenny: We just learned one this Monday
Nikki: I know
Kenny: You work fast !
Nikki: I was bored !
Kenny: Weren't you with John ?
Nikki: After I got home from being with him Duh !
Kenny: Fine let's go
After 3 hours of cheer practice Nikki and Brie go home and find that JJ will not be home the whole night so Nikki is stuck at home doing morning
Brie: Hey Nikki come to the park with me I need to walk
Nikki: Okay just let me change I've been playing dress up haha I was that bored
Brie: No don't I love that red lace dress on you !
Nikki: Aww thanks
Brie: Hey why don't you wear that necklace John gave you
Nikki: Duh I'm always wearing it !
Brie: Okay come on let's go !
They walk to the park and Nikki notices a tall beautiful man in a suit with a dinner table and candles and roses spreaders out everywhere
Nikki: I wonder who's over there
Brie: Let's fine out !
They walk over and to Nikki's surprise it's John
Nikki: Omg John
John: Surprise thanks Brie
Brie: Non problem see you guys later
Nikki: What is this for
John: Why don't you turn around and see ?
Nikki turns around and sees a bunch of lit up candles that spell out will you go to Homecoming with me
Nikki: Of course I will she said as she turned around and gave him a passionate kiss
John: I'll have the homecoming queen by my side !
Nikki: Oh John we don't know if I won't yet but if I do I know I'll have the king by my side !
John: You're so beautiful I forgot I was running
Nikki: Well we did get nominated by surprise !
John: I know come on I've set up a nice dinner
Nikki: You're the best !
They enjoy a wonderful dinner and after they go lay down in the grass and look up at the stars
Nikki: It's so beautiful out tonight
John: You're the beautiful one
Nikki: Oh John I seriously can't find the words to describe how incredible tonight has been !
John: Don't say anything I Love You Nicole ❤️
Nikki: I Love You Too John ❤️
Nikki's Pov
I can't believe he finally said it he said he loved me ! I can't wait to tell Brie after sometime of looking up at the stars and making out 😉 he walks her home and kisses her goodnight once Nikki sees that John is around the corner she yells out
Nikki: BRIE!!!!!!
Brie: What !!
Nikki: He said it John said he loved me.
Brie: Omg Nikki that's amazing news !
Nikki: I'm so happy I can't stop smiling he's just so amazing
Brie: I know Nikki at least this time you didn't come home soaking wet !
Nikki: Sprinklers didn't come on this time !
Brie: Haha well I had fun tonight too guess what !
Nikki: What !
Brie: Mom said that if we both get accepted into San Diego state we can move their and dad will buy us a house their !
Nikki: Omg good thing we both have a straight A average
Brie: Yes I'm so happy and we know how to live in our own
Nikki: Yeah we basically do it now that she stays with Nanna all the time !
Brie: Loosing Papa was really hard on her
Nikki: On all of really
Brie: Yeah well I don't know about you going to sleep I'm tired today's work out really drained me out !
Nikki: Hey that's what a champion does haha I'll go up with you !
The next day John came early in the morning to offer both Nikki and Brie a ride to school Brie passed up the offer because she had to go get JJ and drive him to school which luckily made things better for John and Nikki because they could have a little alone time
Nikki: So were doing the whole tie matching my dress right ?
John: Yes what color will my beautiful queen be wearing
Nikki: I'm thinking red ! Red is a powerful color and were a power couple !
John: Power couple ?
Nikki: Well when you think of high school what first pops into your head ?
John: Football and cheer
Nikki: There you go
John: I get it haha
Nikki: And I am Student body president !
John: And I'm senior club president !
Nikki: See power couple you and me will be delivering the class speeches at graduation !
John: And you and me will be organizing prom !
Nikki: I know I'm so excited but for now let's stick to homecoming and winter formal !
John: Have you thought about any themes for winter formal
Nikki: Honestly no I'm waiting for homecoming to pass then we can focus on that
John: Now can I kiss you before we have to go to class
Nikki: Haha I was just thinking that too !
They start making out when
A car hits them from behind
John: Nicole are you okay ?
Nikki: Yeah I'm fine what about you ?
John: How does someone crash into a parked car
Nikki: I don't know let's go see who it was
As they get out they see that's it's Michael with a grin on his face
Nikki: What the hell is wrong with you
Michael: I'm sorry it was an accident
John: How stupid do you have to be to hit a parked car !
Michael: Whatever I'm out
Nikki: What do your out you have pay for this
Michael: Come by my house later Nikki ? And talk to my dad
Nikki: Oh we will go talk to your dad
He leaves
John: I can't believe that jerk
Nikki: I know interrupting our fun and wrecking your new Range Rover !
John: I'm not so upset about the car just more of the fun haha
Nikki: Well next time well have to be far away from idiots haha
John: True come on let's go we'll be late for class
Nikki takes a step away from him and folds her arms and pouts and John just laughs
John: If you go to class with me I'll take you out tonight !
Nikki: Where ?
John: Where ever you want !
Nikki: Beach !
John: Okay now will you go to class ?
Nikki: Yes and I will cancel cheer practice today !
John: Okay I'll cancel football practice today too
Nikki: Yay
She runs up to him and she wraps his legs around his waist and he pulls her in while holding her from her waist
John: God I love you !
Nikki: I love you too now come on let's go to class
John: You have to admit at least it's an all electives days
Nikki: True and we have all classes together !
John: So let's go babe
Nikki: Fine
They go to class and spend all day together with their friends and since cheer and football practice were canceled they were all hanging out
Nattie: So what are you guys doing tonight ?
Trinity: I don't know
Ariane: Movies maybe hang out at home ?
Brie: I don't know yet
Nikki: Well me and John are going to the beach !
She said as he kisses the top oh her head
John: Yup
Bryan: Why the beach ?
John: Her wish is my command
Nikki: Oh well it was his way of getting me to class because I didn't want to go
Nattie: The beach sounds amazing right now
Nikki: Why don't we all go in our own cars and just meet up there ?
John: Yeah you guys should come
They all agree and when the bell rings the head home to get ready and agree on a place to meet !
They all meet up at the the beach and start to walk around and find a spot to leave all of their stuff
While they guys are setting up the umbrellas they girls are stripping down into their bathing suits
And they just can't help but stare at their women
Just then John grabs Nikki from
behind and carries her into the water not before long they start making out Brie: Can they spend a day without making out
Then you just hear Nicole and John shout out No !!
They all laugh and join them in the water after spending the day at the beach the decide to go on to the pier and go onto the roller coaster and the ferries wheel
Nikki: Isn't this beautiful
John: Yes you are beautiful oh you meant the view ? Haha it's okay
Nikki: Oh John ! She said as she slapped his arm playfully
After that they all went home
That Monday
Brie: I can't belief homecoming is this Friday !
Nikki: I know I'm so excited
Nattie: You know you and John will win homecoming king and queen
Nikki: I'm more excited about the game ! I want to see my baby play
Brie: True !
Will the win Homecoming Queen and King ?


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