My Parents ❤️

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Still In The Performance Center
John: Nikki I want you to come with me and get something's for Sophia's room in my house
Nikki: Okay let's go to my house first I want to shower
John: How about you go with Brie and I go home and get showered and I'll pick you up an about an hour and we can go
Nikki: Okay let's go
John: Don't bring Sophia though I want to surprise her
Nikki: Okay see you in an hour then I would kiss you but there's people around
John: I know but their will be plenty of time for that later
They leave and an hour later John calls Nikki to her he's down stairs
She comes down in a black maxi dress with matching black shoes and red sun glasses
John: You look beautiful
Nikki: You don't look to bad yourself
John: Okay come let's go
At the store
John: So what bed do you think Sophia would like ?
Nikki: That one over there because it's very princess type thing but let's ask if they have the thing in black and I could get her some hot pink covers she would love that !
John: You know being a mother only made you more sexier
Nikki: John stop it haha
John: Will you come home with me when were done here and we can pick things up where we left them
last night
Nikki: Not until you get a new bed
John: New bed ?
Nikki: Yes I'm not sleeping with you on the same bed your slept with Liz
John: Fine I buy a new bed you can pick it out
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yes
Nikki: Let's finish Sophia's room first
John: Okay
After 3 hours of looking at things they got Sophia's room and his room ready so that the next night they sleep at his house
John: This is the happiest I've been I'm 5 years
Nikki: Me too well having Sophia made me happy watching her grow and learn to talk and walk that made me super happy but you weren't with me so at the same time it made me sad !
John: Well I'm here now and I won't leave again
Nikki: I really hope not
They lean in and kiss
John: Let's go see my princess
Nikki: Our princess she's been mine longer
John: I've known her two days can you blame me ?
Nikki: No but I can blame the bitch of a wife you have
John: Soon to be ex wife
Nikki: Does that make me your mistress
John: No that makes you the love of my life
Nikki: Still you're married
John: Makes you the mother of my daughter which technically makes Liz the mistress
Nikki: Well I kinda feel bad !
John: Why ?
Nikki: This is the second time you're dumping her for me
John: This times it's more than just you it's her lying and the fact that I could never love anyone like I love you
Nikki: I don't think I could either
They kiss again and head home John spends the night at Nicole's again and they stay up taking
Nikki: So when are we telling your Parents ?
John: I'm thinking since this whole month the WWE is here in floras I can I them out and we can tell them together ?
Nikki: What if your mom hates me
John: You know she always loved you
Nikki: Yeah but I'm sure she loved Liz when you married her !
John: Ugh no she hated her
Nikki: Really ?
John: Yeah she always wanted me to marry you
Nikki: Oh then okay we can do that
John: Haha just a second ago you were freaked out about it
Nikki: You said it yourself she loves me
John: I know so can I call them now ?
Nikki: Okay


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