The Ring

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Brie's Pov

I'm so happy the John is finally going to propose to Nikki she deserves to be happy and so does John and most importantly Sophia she deserves nothing than to be happy ! With both her mom and dad together this time forever and maybe have more little ones ! I wonder what's in my future with Randy would I ever marry him I mean sometimes seeing Bryan makes me heart skip a beat but then I think about it and I feel nothing for him anymore all my love is with Randy !

Randy: Hey babe what are you thinking about ?

Brie: Uhh.. well can I be honest with you ?

Randy: Of course what's up ?

Brie: I was just wondering where we stand I mean we've been together almost a year and well I've met Alanna and she's the sweetest thing and well I was just wondering where donee stand ?

Randy: Well I love you and Alanna loves you and I want you with me everyday so I was thinking maybe we can move in together ?

Brie: Really ?

She said tears forming in her eyes !

Randy: Yeah ! I mean like you said we've together a year and I really want to be with you and I think I would really love to marry you one day but it's too soon now but I do love you and want to spend everyday with you so what do you say ?

Brie: I say yes !!!

Randy: I love you !

Brie: I love you too

The kiss ! And then John and Nikki walk in

Nikki: Woah you two get a room

Brie: That's funny can we borrow the one you guys snuck off to just moments ago !

She said as she stuck her tongue out at them

Nikki: Brianna !

Brie: I'm kidding but hey we have some news !!

Nikki: What is it !

Randy: I asked Brie to move in with me !

John: Did you say yes ?

Brie: I sure did

John: Congratulations you two

Nikki: I'm so happy for you but now I won't have my twin in the same house !

Brie: Oh that won't be the only reason why !

Nikki: Huh ?

John: Oh nothing she's just being Brie

Giving her a shut the fuck up look !

Brie: Yeah I meant nothing by it come on Nikki let's go get out hair and make up done for our match !

Nikki: Okay now can we trust Randy and John alone ?

Brie: Yeah why ?

Nikki: Well I don't think they will be able to keep their hands off of each other !

John: Can you blame me I mean just look at him !

Randy: And then John just has those blue eyes it's so hard to resist !

Brie: Hahahaha that was so funny

Nikki: No it wasn't you keep your hands away from my man haha

John: I won't let him make a pass at me

Nikki: Good now let's go Brie !

They leave the room !

Randy: So you excited for Monday ?

John: Super excited ! I can't wait to finally do this !

Randy: Do you know what you're going to say ?

John: Same thing I wanted to say 9 years ago !

Randy: I'm really happy for you man this is the happiest I've ever see you !

John: It's all her she makes me feel like I'm in high school again just looking at her makes me happy !

Randy: And it shows I remember when you married Liz it's like you had to do it like if it was something mandatory ! But with Nicole you're happy and excited and dare I say nervous ?

John: Oh yes that I am ! Come on we have to start getting ready for our match so you can come with me to pick up the ring !

Randy: Can't wait to see what Mr. Cena here has picked out for the future Mrs.Cena !

John: I just hope she like it's haha

They leave and get ready for their matches after a long night of work their finally leaving John and Randy excuse them self and go out to pick up Nicole's ring ! When they get to the store John is quickly escorted to the back for his privacy so no one sees him there and doesn't run off to tell paparazzi thankfully for John he has a friend from high school who owns the jewelry store who he trust won't say anything to the press

Tony: I'm glad you're here John !

John: Well you have something very important !

Tony: Yea to you're luck it arrived this morning !

Randy: Arrived ?

John: It was custom made in Paris !

Randy: Wow you're really going all out

John: Nothing's to much for the woman I love !

Tony: And were good friends I got him a good discount !

Randy: How do you know each other ?

Tony: High school !

Randy: Oh so you know Nicole too ?

Tony: Yes very well I always knew he would marry her but I didn't think it would take him this long to propose haha

John: Well it's that time and you're more than welcomed to come and bring your wife and kids to Raw so you can see her again and Brianna and Kenny and well a few others !

Tony: I would love to and so would my wife I think you know her too !

John: Who is she ?

Tony: Believe it or not I married Kimberly !

John: Wow that's amazing !

Randy: I'm assuming Kimberly went to high school with you all too ? Haha

John: You assume correct haha

Tony pulls out the box in which the rings is in and shows it to John and Randy !

John: Wow it's perfect !

Randy: I'll say that just screams Nicole !!

Tony: It so does especially the red band !

John: Her color !

Tony: Yup I remembered !

John: Thank you so much Tony !

Tony: No need it's my job now will that be all ?

John: Yeah thank you again so much!

Tony: Anytime now if you want you can go out through the back so no one sees you !

John: Okay bye Tony I'll see you Monday then ?

Tony: Yes wouldn't miss it !

John: Okay bye !

Tony: Bye John and nice meeting you Randy !

Randy: Same here

They shake hands and leave !

John: Here Randy I want you to keep it until Monday is that okay ?

Randy: Yes fine with me I'll protect it with my life !

John: Good now come on before they start to wonder where we are !

Randy: Okay

They get into the car and leave back to the hotel !

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