Finally ❤️

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Nikki's Pov
Today is my and Brie's return to the WWE and Brie has a title match to regain what was wrongfully taken from her ! And I'm so excited I get to be out there with her there have been rumors that Mickie was getting fired or sent to NXT I didn't care as long as she stayed away from me and my man I know she didn't like Sophia so she should be easy to watch because Sophia didn't like her either to her she was the woman who hurt me for no reason and I wasn't going change that.
John: You excited to be coming back ?
Nikki: Yes I've missed being in the rings the traveling ehh
John: But you traveled with Erick
Nikki: Yeah but it's different see with him it was alway a two day trip then home I don't know when we will be home and then it's usually for one or two days then on the road again I'm not complaining but it's different !
John: But in the end is worth it I mean I'm the 14 time world heavy weight champion do you know how amazing it would be if I went past 16 like nature boy
Nikki: I know that's you're goal and mine is to be divas champion but that's not happening anytime soon !
John: You never know !
Nikki: Well if Brie wins which I know she will if I'm by her side ! I'm not takin my own sisters title not until it's been at least haha
John: Haha you know you will be Divas champion one day !
Nikki: I know but right now my main concern is you and my daughter divas champion will just have to wait!
John: I love you !
Nikki: I love you too !
They kiss and head to the arena and while Nikki is getting ready John solicits the help of Brie, Nattie, Summer,and Layla
Brie: Okay John were here what's up ?
John: I want to ask Nikki to marry me !
Layla: Omg yay
Brie: Are you serious ?
John: I've never been more serious about anything in my life ! I want to be with her now I want to ask her on Raw live !
Summer: Well then you'll need Stephanie's help not ours haha
Stephanie: I grated him permission to do it but he has to organize everything himself !
Summer: Okay so John what do we do ?
John: Next week we have a match against Dolph, Eve, Mickie, and Kofi and win or loose I'm proposing then and there !
Brie: Omg finally !!!
Nattie: I know remember what you planned to do after graduation ?
Summer: You were going to purpose then ?
John: Yeah !
Brie: Really ?
Nattie: Yeah I helped him set it up and everything and then well you know !
Brie: Yeah dad went crazy and had to go to Arizona with him for 5 months
John: Then me and Nikki met up in San Diego and I just figured I could do it so other time and well you know the rest from there !
Brie: Yes I'm just happy you're finally going to do it !!
John: Trust me not as happy as I am I'm finally going to be married to the woman who should have been my one and only wife
Layla&Summer: Aww you're so sweet !
Nattie: Back off ladies he's about to be an engaged man !
Brie: That's right
John: Haha come on let's go before Nikki starts looking for us I already told Randy so he's probably looking out !
Brie: That's my Randy haha come on let's go !
They go what they didn't know was that Eve was listening to the whole conversation ! And she goes running to find Mickie !
Eve: Mickie come here !
Mickie: What ?
Eve: John is planning on proposing to Nikki
Mickie: What !! He can't do that !!
Eve: It's already set he's going to do it on Raw next week !
Mickie: We have to stop this !
Eve: You know what I'm done ! I don't care anymore if he wants so badly to be with Nicole then let him he has a right to be happy and even though Nicole doesn't deserve him neither do I for messing with his happiness I'm sorry but you're on you're own I'm already moving on anyways !
She walks away leaving Mickie standing there shocked not knowing what to do little did Mickie know that Eve was going to warn John !
She ran around the arena trying to find him and when she finally did he was with Randy
Eve: Hey can I talk to you guys real quick ?
John: Uhh.... Sure what's up ?
Eve: I over heard that you were going to propose to Nicole
Randy: Yeah so ?
Eve: Watch out for Mickie I told her and she got really mad and said she had to so something to stop it I told her I wouldn't help her that she was on her own so I just wanted to warn you !
John: Thank you no offense but why are you doing this ?
Eve: Because I figured if you have loved her since high school then what chance do I have to be with you I want you to be happy even if it isn't with me besides someone else has my attention now so I won't be bugging you or Nicole anytime soon!
Randy: That's really nice of you Eve !
John: Yeah thanks for this and for warning me about Mickie !
Eve: No problem and congratulations John I hope you'll be very happy with Nicole !
John: Thank you and I hope you find happiness of you're own !
Eve: Thank you
She hugs him and walks away
Randy: What are you going to do ?
John: Isn't NXT going to be in L.A next week for Monday ?
Randy: Yeah and were here in Cleveland !
John: I'm going to ask Stephanie if she could send Mickie off to L.A !
Randy: Come on let's go ask !!
They walk to Stephanie's office
John: Hey Stephanie I need just one more favor !
Stephanie: What happened ?
John: Is there anyway you can send Mickie to NXT just for Monday so she won't be here to ruin things for Monday !
Stephanie: Oh of course go out and if you see her tell her to come in here!
John: Okay thank you so much !!
They walked out of her office and John went off trying to accidentally bump into her ! And when he did he was relived that Nicole was close by
John: Oh hey Mickie Stephanie wants to see you !
Mickie: Do you know what she wants ?
John: Uh no but you better go now she doesn't seem to be in a good mood !
Mickie: Okay thanks
John ignores her and goes over to make out with Nikki which only made Mickie madd !
Nikki: Someone is happy today !
John: Just seeing you makes me feel amazing !!
Nikki: Aww your so sweet !
She said smiling at him
John: God I love it when you smile !!
Nikki: Haha then I'll never stop
John: Good now put your lips on mine and let me taste your sweet lips !
Nikki: As you wish !
She kissed him and so and while no one was looking John carried her to a secluded area of the arena to keep kissing her and get a little grabby with her !
Meanwhile with Stephanie and Mickie
Stephanie: Come in
Mickie: You wanted to see me ?
Stephanie: Yes now were doing a mini Raw takes over NXT so you're going for this Monday ! So you can leave Friday for L.A
Mickie: Isn't Raw going to be in Cleveland ?
Stephanie: Yes where all heading there but you will be heading to L.A
Mickie: Why can't you send someone else like Nikki she loves being in L.A
Stephanie: Oh she's going to she's just leaving Sunday because she going with us to Maddison Square Garden for Main Event this Saturday
Mickie: Oh okay thanks Stephanie !
Stephanie: Actually can you leave today for L.A ? After your match ?
Mickie: Why ?
Stephanie: They want you to do training with them they asked for you personally !
Mickie: Um okay ! I'll go bye !
Mickie's Pov
Johns plans are ruined he won't be able to ask her haha
She laughed evilly as she walked away !

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