Diva Bowl

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Nikki's Pov
It's been a month into me and Brie time in the WWE and today is the day people find out we are twins well both twins that were both in the ring !
Vince: Okay Victoria and Natlya if Brie goes under the ring today make sure that you both try to pull her out from both side got it !
Victoria: Got it
Later in that match Brie wins and goes running under the ring and both try to pull her out and out comes Brie and Nikki !
Jerry Lawler: Omg their twins !
Michael: I thought one was working for John Cena
Then comes out Vince
Vince: These beautiful twins work for me and they are both divas ! We said Nikki was working with John Cena but in reality they have been playing a little twin magic this whole time so now I am debuting them as The Bella Twins out newest divas and tag team
The crowd goes crazy !
And Nikki and Brie walk backstage where all if the superstars congratulated and tried to hit on them
Fandango: You're beautiful twins hopefully you can dance two and you both can walk out with me
Randy: Uh no they can walk out with me
Cesaro: No they can walk me out
Nikki: Um actually we can walk each other out
Brie: Yeah we only need each other so I'm sorry boys
Nikki sees John and runs to him and he catches her
Brie: Although I think Nikki will walk out with John !
John: Good job out there
Nikki: Thank you !
Stephanie: Yes you guys did great okay so Nicole I just talked to all the guys and since their schedules are so busy we will still do the on month diva bowl but with one team against the other so next week we will have the Saints vs Cowboys what team do you wish to be apart of ?
Nikki: Saints !! I bleed black and gold !!!
Stephanie: Great we will have that match for you guys next week you and Brie on the same team and the guys of the team will be ring side so if your teams wins the saints go in and celebrate and if the cowboys win they go in and celebrate
Nikki: Sounds great !
With Brie
Fandango: What the relationship between John and Nikki ?
Brie: Oh nothing going on really they have a daughter but their not together
Randy: They have a daughter ?
Brie: Yeah see they dated in high school and throughout college but when John they moved out here they broke up and lost contact when they lost contact Nikki found out she was pregnant so when we got here she told him and now they talk more for the good of Sophia their daughter my niece and that little girl thats walking up to them right now !
Alberto: She a cutie pie
Brie: I know hey have any of you seen Bryan ?
Randy: No why ?
Brie: I dated him in high school too and I haven't seen him around I would like to say hi to him
Alberto: Must be in the locker room with Gail
Brie: Gail ?
Randy: Yeah his girlfriend or I think their broken up I don't know point is they have an off again on again relationship I think a month ago they were off
Brie: Oh
Alberto: Oh see their on again
Brie turns around and sees Bryan making out with Gail
Brie: Oh well since Nikki might be walking out with John which lucky guy would I get to walk out with ?
Randy: Back off boys almost all of you have partners let me handle the pretty twins !
Brie laughs and walks away with Randy and they walk over to John and Nikki
Randy: So John Brie here tells us this cutie here is your daughter !
Nikki: Yup say hi Sophia
Sophia: Hello
Randy: So cute John she has your eyes haha
John: She does doesn't she but she has her moms amazing voice !
Randy: Oh you both can sing ?
Nikki: I guess but I say it's all my princess
John: And I couldn't disagree more
Brie: I agree with John! Where are we headed next Nikki ?
Nikki: Dallas Drew and Lance and the guys will be there we are team saints and I don't know what team is team Dallas
Brie: Oh awesome
Randy: What is this for ?
Stephanie: Our first ever Diva bowl
Randy: Awesome
Stephanie: Thanks to Nikki I got some teams to come out here
Randy: How do you know a lot of football teams ?
Brie: Me and Nikki were bud light models so we got to go to a bunch of parties and games where we met the guys I never really engaged with them the way Nikki did
Nikki: Hey I'm a people person and if I'm going to be friends with someone it's not for a while I will make it last as much as I can
Brie: That's how were good friends with Tom Brady, Erick Decker, Tony Romo, Drew Bree's, And Lance Moore !
Nikki: A lot of people actually !
Randy: Oh so you guys weren't doing so bad before coming here
Nikki: Not at all even if I wasn't a model I have my doctrine in physical and message therapy so I really am certified
Randy: Pretty, Smart, and social
When you're divorce is settled wife this one up Cena and I'll wife up her sister
Nikki and Brie giggle
John: Oh believe me I intend to haha
Randy: We will be the most envied men of the locker room
Nikki&Brie: Oh stop you're making us blush
Randy: See what I mean
Bryan walks up to them
Bryan: What do you mean
Randy: Oh nothing just thinking about making miss Brie Bella here my future wife and John making Nikki Bella his future wife
Brie and Nikki laugh again
Bryan: Oh
Randy: Yeah hi Gail
Gail: Hi
John: Brie, Nikki this is Gail Kim, Gail this is Nicole also goes by Nikki and Brianna who goes by Brie and their the Bella twins
Gail: Isn't Bella supposed to mean pretty in Italian ?
Randy: Yes actually
Gail: Then why Bella twins more like awful twins
Brie: Wow I would say pretty and smart but I guess your ugly and smart at least you're good at one thing
Gail: Are you calling me ugly ?
Brie: No sweetie you just took care of that yourself maybe I was wrong not pretty or smart what a shame
John, Randy and Nikki start laughing and walk away
Gail: What the hell is her problem
Bryan: You did insult her
Gail: You're taking her side now
Bryan: No sweetie
Gail: Good
In Dallas
Stephanie: Welcome all to Monday Night Raw today we have a very special treat for you all we are going to have our very first Diva Bowl !! Due to the upcoming football season now tonight we have the Dallas Cowboys with us tonight and the New Orleans Saints !!! Who will be at ring side during the Divas match winners of the match will move on to the next round and we will have our own little Super Bowl with the divas and we may include some of the superstars so to all the teams good luck tonight
She walks backstage
Nikki: Omg Sandra I love our custom jerseys !
Brie: I know they fit the way a jersey should fit a girl not a guy !
Sandra: You're welcome girls
Victoria: Sandra do we have jerseys like that ?
Sandra: No you have normal jerseys
Gail: Why ?
Sandra: Because Stephanie only asked me to make custom ones for them
Victoria: What makes them so special
Stephanie walk by
Stephanie: Oh here you are Nicole Drew and Lance are waiting for you and Brie by gorilla !
Nikki: Oh okay we'll just finish getting ready and we will be right over !
Stephanie: Great
Gail: Why do they get custom made jersey and we get normal ones ?
Stephanie: Because if it wasn't for Nikki this wouldn't be happening right now so be thankful I even put you in a match !
Gail: Yes M'am
She walks away
Victoria: Oh how I hate those twins
Sandra: Here take the jersey I need to work on these custom jerseys for the twins for the next team
Near gorilla
Drew: Why don't you guys look cute in our jerseys !
Brie: Thank you
Nikki: I have Lances number !
Brie: And me yours Drew !
Lance: That's awesome so the guys are walking out behind us and since it's a tag team match you two will be walking out with us !
Nikki: Awesome
Just then Gail and Victoria walk up to them with Tony Romo and another team member
Tony: Oh why hello there cuties !
Nikki&Brie: Hi Tony
They went over to him and kissed him on the cheek
Tony: Now why aren't I paired with the beautiful twins
Lance: Because we called first dibs haha
Drew: You better be prepared because our teams will win both today and later on during the season
Tony: We shall see now Brianna Nicole you must come to see one of our games
Nikki: Would love to let's see if we have time ?
Tony: Perfect when you do just let me know and I will get you both in on the field
Brie: Perfect seats !
Tony: And here I thought the perfect seat was my lap
Brie& Nikki: Oh Tony ! They laugh
The whole time Gail and Victoria are just looking at them I disgust
Producer: Okay Gail, Victoria Mr. Romo you go out first !
Tony: Well ladies I wish you luck
Brie&Nikki: Thanks Tony
They leave
Nikki: Hate his team but love him haha
And now repressing New Orleans from Scotts Dale Arizona
Brie and Nikki the Bella twins
The crowd cheers and they walk out with Drew on Brie's arms and Nikki on Lance arm and before they go in the rings Drew and Lance give the girls a good luck kiss on the cheek during the match Victoria was winning she went in for the pin but Brie kicked out at 2 and then tagged me in I took advantage of the fact that Gail was screaming at her kicked her in the stomach and went for me and Brie's new move The Bella Face Buster and went in for the pin
And your winners repressing the New Orleans Saints Nikki and Brie
Drew and the team went into the ring to celebrate with is and when we got out of the ring they carried up backstage
Tony: Now you see if I would have had you girl on my team I would have won
Nikki: Sorry Tony next time
Tony: Alright well now me and the rest of the team are going to sit ring side to enjoy the rest of the show
Lance: Yeah so is our team
Brie: Oh well we know we have to sit with the teams we represented
Nikki: Yup and I got some special shoes made !
Gail: What special shoes
Brie: Me and Nikki got custom made saints high heels
Nikki: They are so cute let us go get changed and we will meet you at ring side !
Drew: Alright girls come on guys let's move out
They leave
Victoria: I'm getting really tired of them being treated like the princesses of this damn show !
Gail: Their not even pretty
Randy walks up being
Randy: Who isn't even pretty ?
Gail: Those Bella twins
Randy: What are you kidding me their that hottest thing that has walked into the divas division in a while !
Victoria: Whatever let's go Gail !
Later that night after Raw
Lance, Drew, The twins Randy and John are backstage
Nikki: Good job out there John
John: Thanks you did great too !
Randy: Yeah what was that thing you did to Victoria
Brie: It's our new move
John: New move ?
Nikki: Yeah the Bella Face Buster
Drew: It looks painful !
Lance: It does
Nikki: It is I was the one who came up with it
Brie: But I'm the one who got to test it out haha
Nikki: That's the story haha
Brie: The only reason Nikki was the test dummy was because she was late to practice !
Nikki: Like 20 minutes !
John: Wait was that the day you got up and started running around ?
Nikki: Yeah I was late
Randy: You were with John the night before ?
Nikki: Yeah me and Sophia slept over because Sophia fell asleep and I didn't want to wake her up
Randy: Why didn't you just go home ?
Nikki: Because I was tired too and I had been drinking haha
John: I slept on the couch she took my bed
Nikki: He could have slept in he bed to that thing is so big about 10 people could fit in there
Randy: Haha no wonder Liz never got pregnant
John: Believe me that's not the reason why !
Nikki laughs and looks down at the floor
Lance: So Nikki Stephanie said that you and Brie don't have a match the day of our first game
Drew: So we took the liberty to get you the field passes just in case you want to be there for out first game of the season
Nikki: You kidding me I'm so there !
Brie: Me too ! Omg I can't wait !
Lance: If you guys want to come you are more than welcome too !
Drew: Yeah Randy and John we have fans on the team and in the crowds you guys should come
Brie: Yeah you should
Nikki: Randy you can take Brie
Brie: Nicole ! She said as she slapped Nikki's arm
Nikki: Oww
Randy: Well what do you say Cena let's take these pretty ladies out ?
John: I'm good with that
Nikki: Yay then it's settled were all going to the game !
Lance: Awesome see you then Nikki you better wear my sweater !
Nikki: Of course me and Brie will be you're good luck charms !
Drew: Awesome we have to go see you then
Nikki: I'll walk you out
They leave and in the parking lot there's a bunch of paparazzi
Nikki: Okay see you guys at you're first game
They hug and Lance kisses Nikki on the cheek and the paparazzi started takings more and more pictures and quickly uploading them to social media
Later that night in the hotel !
Johns Pov
I'm so happy that me and Nikki are able to sleep in the same room thanks to Sophia ! She's my little princess I can't wait for my damn divorce to settle so I can ask Nikki to marry me I'm so bored now that she in the shower might as well see what's on twitter !
You heard it here first are Nicole Garcia better known as Nikki Bella and Lance Moore dating well by the looks of tonight we say there are Nikki Bella accompanied both Drew Bree's and Lance out to their car and Lance could not leave without giving this Mexican Italian beauty a kiss on the cheek neither reps have been reached to confirm or deny but all of us here believe there is something going on between the two for more news on this maybe couple watch us on E! 7:30 and 11:30 pm and follow us on twitter
John was getting mad when Nikki came out of the shower
John: So looks like more people are starting to believe you and Lance are dating
Nikki: Why ?
She reads the article
Nikki: Wow haha this is good right less people to suspect us ?
John: Yes but I still don't like it
Nikki: Go shower and when you come out I have a little surprise for you she said in a smirk !
John: Hmm I think I like where this is going
Nikki: Go !
He goes to shower and Nikki gets to work !
Throwing rose pedals everywhere and on the bed and she changed into her sexy red lace teddy and lays down on the bed when she hears the water turn off John walks out of the bathroom and then looks up at Nikki
and is stunned and can't stop staring at Nicole
Nikki: Hi good looking
John: You look amazing !
Nikki: Really I think I'd look better with it off ? She said with a smirk
He walked over to her with a towel wrapped around his waist as her started kissing her and her neck he started to remove her teddy Nikki dropped his towel and the spent the night making love ❤️


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