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It was the day of the homecoming game and everyone was excited Nikki was prepping her JV girls
(Junior Varsity) for the JV football game which John was prepping them for ! At the end of their final practice the Varsity girl go into the locks room to get ready while the varsity guys get to ready for their game as well
Brie: Okay so remind me how this will work ?
Nikki: Okay all the JV cheerleaders will walk in front of the fire truck and all the Varsity girl are on the fire truck
Brie: No Duh I know that we've been Varsity since 9th grade I mean how will you go get changed on time to be in the car with John for your ride around the track ?
Nikki: Oh okay well during the last cheer I'm leaving you in charge and I'm going to go change John is staying in his football gear and well meet in the car that got assigned to us
Brie: Okay I'm caught up let's get ready
Nikki: Okay
After they get ready their waiting in the locker for the Varsity game to start after a while it's time to go out and the girls wait by the gates getting the crowed fired up for the football teams entrance ! The football team goes through the gate with the team Captain at the end
Who stops to kiss his girlfriend Nikki for good luck!
20 minutes into the game and they are winning 10-0 it's the last cheer before halftime so Nikki leaves to get ready and to wait for John !
When she's ready she heads to the car where John is already waiting for her
John: Don't you look gorgeous !
Nikki: Haha oh I know I do haha and you look so hot in your uniform !
John kisses her
The royal court part of the parade is over now it is time to announce the winners
Eva Marie on the mic
Eva Marie: And your Homecoming Queen is Nicole Garcia
Nikki: Omg I won she kisses John and heads to get her crown
Eva Marie: And your Homecoming King Is...John Cena !!
He kisses Nicole and is crowned by Eva Marie and Nattie but before they can celebrate Nikki must head back and change back into her cheer uniform
After that the football team won the game and went on to the playoffs
Nikki: went back to change into her dress but her crown stayed on the whole night
Brie: I can't believe your queen !
Nikki: I know me either it's like a dream !
Eva Marie: And you totally earned it
Eve: Did she really or did you guys all cheat for her
Brie: There's no way we can cheat Eve after all the votes are put into the box the Vice principal takes them and counts them himself
Eve: You could have still out in more ballots for her
Nattie: How stupid are you ! We do take the votes and put them in but we ask for I.D numbers that's why if you don't have your I.D you can't vote
She angrily storms off
Brie: Damn what's her problem
Nikki: Me !
Eva Marie: Why ?
Nattie: Because Nicole is gorgeous student body president and cheer captain
Brie: And because she has John Cena wrapped around her finger !
Nikki: Brianna ! That's so not true we have each other wrapped around our fingers ! I just love him I don't know what more I could say haha
Nattie: Come on let's go celebrate the win of Nicole and John and the school for winning Homecoming
Nikki: Actually John wants me to like officially introduce me to his parents tonight so we aren't going out haha
Brie: Well at least you have something to show off to them
Nikki: True haha okay I have to go see you guys tomorrow remember be there at 4 so we can do each others hair and because the limo will be picking is up around 6:30
They all say okay and Nikki is greeted outside by Johns family with flowers
Carol: Oh congratulations Honey or should I say your highness haha
Nikki: Haha oh no you don't have to do that
JD(Johns Dad): Come on we want to treat the King and Queen to dinner
John: Where will we be going ?
JD: To the Chinese buffet you love so much if that okay with Nicole
Nikki: Oh yes its totally fine I love Chinese food !
Carol: Then let's go !
They leave and go to dinner Nikki has been to dinner at Johns house before but never like this never as his girlfriend
Carol: So Nicole what are your plans after high school ?
Nikki: Well actually my mom went to San Diego state and me and Brianna want to go there as well I want to study physical therapy and if that doesn't turn out well I want to go into real estate
Carol: That's good
JD: It's good to have a back up plan
Nikki: Well yeah I think it is but I try not to think that I have a back up plan because then I will always think about it when it gets tough like oh I'm not passing this class but it's fine if I don't do good because I have something to fall back on I don't like that
JD: Ambition I like it
Nikki: Thank you
John: Why don't you tell them your real dream !
Carol: Real dream ?
Nikki: Well I told John that me and my sister Brie wanted to be WWE Divas for a long time now and well we said if we ever got the chance to audition we would go for it
JD: That's intreating so your pretty strong I mean I've seen what they do and they can sure take a punch !
Nikki: Yeah my grandfather may he rest in peace would take me and Brianna and even my brother JJ to classes and me and Brianna just fell in love with it
Carol: I'm going to the ladies room Nicole will you join me ?
Nikki: Yea I will
They get up and leave
Carol: You know I just wanted a moment alone with you just wanted to say that I really like you and I love the fact that you're dating my son
Nikki: Aww thank you and I really love John
Carol: I know you do I can see it in that sparkle in your eye I wanted to give you something
Nikki: What is it ?
Carol: It's my moms necklace I would like you to wear it tomorrow for the dance she says as she pulls out a beautiful vintage looking diamond necklace
Nikki: Omg this is so gorgeous !
Carol: And I would love for you to keep it
Nikki: I'll wear it but I can't keep this ! It's a family air loom
Carol: Please Nicole it would mean the world to me if you kept it
Nikki: Okay thank you so much !
They hug and head back to John and his dad they enjoy a wonderful meal and they drive Nicole back home when Nikki gets home she's sees that her mom and Nanna are there
Nikki: Hi Nanna, Mom
She hugs them both
Nanna: Nicole how was it like winning queen !
Nikki: Amazing if I would have know you guys were here I would have asked John parents to come in
Kathy: Oh you were out with his parents
Nikki: Yes tonight he introduced me to his family as his girlfriend
Kathy: Wow looks like you two are getting pretty serious !
Nikki: Yeah look what his mom gave me
She pulls out the necklace
Kathy: Omg that's gorgeous
Nanna: Your going to wear it tomorrow ?
Nikki: Yup she said she wanted me to wear it for tomorrow and after she wants me to keep it I told her I couldn't because it was his grandmothers!
Nanna: And what did she say
Nikki: She said it would mean the world to her if I kept it so I guess I can't say no to that and I didn't
Kathy: Well honey good thing is that they like you
Nikki: Yeah well I'm going to bed I need my rest for tomorrow
Kathy: Where's Brianna ?
Nikki: I think she with the girls I txt her !
Kathy: Please because her car is here but she isn't
Nikki: She must have dropped it off before going where ever they were going.
Kathy: Let me know what she says I'm going back with Nanna to her house
Nikki: Okay mom
Nanna: Have fun tomorrow
Nikki: Thank you Nanna
Kathy: I'll see you guys next week I'm staying with her from now on ok
Nikki: It's fine mom I'll call Brie and tell her to txt you ok
Kathy: Okay bye
Nikki: Bye
Nikki's Pov
I really hope that Brie isn't in Brie mode right now I'm really not in the mood to take care of her ! I want to sleep and be rested for tomorrow !
She gets her phone and starts calling Brie !
Brie: Hello
Nikki: Where are you ?
Brie: In with Bryan and the girls
Nikki: Mom was here asking for you she left with Nanna again though
Brie: Oh okay I'll call her
Nikki: Are you Brie mode keg killer ?
Brie: No well I'm not drunk but I've had a few drinks !
Nikki: Fine I'm going to sleep so call mom and tell her Nattie or Eva Marie is driving you home or something
Brie: Fine I'll see you in the morning
Nikki: Okay night
She hangs up the phone and starts washing her face removing her make up and putting on her pajamas just when she was about to turn off her phone she revives a txt from John
J: I don't know what you did but my parents love you even more now ! You might be sleeping right now but I just wanted to say I Love You and I hope you have sweet dreams because I know mines will be sweet because I will be dreaming of you
Goodnight ❤️
Nikki read it and had a huge smile on her face so she couldn't help but reply
N: Goodnight my love ❤️
She left her phone on and went on to sleep
The next day
Nikki: Brie I'm hungry !
Brie: You want to go to Denny's ?
Nikki: Yes please
Brie: Fine I'll drive
At Denny's
Brie: So how was last night
Nikki: Amazing I have to show you the necklace Johns mom gave me !
Brie: She gave you a necklace ?
Nikki: Yes it's gorgeous Brie can I tell you something ?
Brie: Anything
Nikki: I honestly feel like he's the one like you have no idea how happy he makes me I just feel amazing around him I can't stop thinking about him I see my future and he's in it I've never felt this way before
Brie: Aww you know that's how I feel about Bryan
Nikki: We have good ones Brie
Brie: Yeah we do ! ❤️
At home they wait for the girls to get there and while they do each other hair they talk about the dance and what to do after it was time for everyone to get dressed and Nikki was going around helping until she was the last one that needed to get into her dress
Brie: Omg Nikki
Nikki: What ?
Nattie: You look gorgeous !
Eva: Yeah and that necklace goes perfect with your dress !
Nikki: I know right
Ariane: Where did you get it ?
Brie: Johns mom gave it to her
Trinity: Wow
Nattie: Now there's only one thing missing !
Brie: What is it ?
Eva Marie: Oh well Duh her crown and sash !
Nikki: Oh yeah it's down stairs !
They all head downstairs and wait for everyone to arrive
After the guys got their and fawned over how they looked they got into the limo and headed to the dance
At the dance
After two hours of being there
DJ: Will the King and Queen please come to the middle of the dance floor for their slow dance
As they walk to the middle of the dance floor
All of me by John Legend
They start dancing and everyone starts taking pictures of the beautiful couple and John starts whispering into Nikki's eat
John: Do you know how gorgeous you look
Nikki smiles
John starts singing into her ear
Cause all I need is all of you
Nikki starts to kiss him and everyone claps and cheers for them
After the went to their table and John say down and made Nikki sit down on his lap
The rest of the night was just spent dancing and having fun !!


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